Make the use of terms consistent and more transparent to readers (see R1)
Further justification in motivating the link between empathy and intonation development
Operationalization of empathy and the role of proficiency
More clearly motivate the hypotheses of the study
Other big(ger) issues
Stimuli (acoustic description)
Other issues
Familiarity with Spanish (results discussion)
empathy and "pragmatic skills"
Some notes
For possible (a posteriori) theoretical motivation:
Mennen, I. (2015). Beyond segments: Towards a L2 intonation learning theory. In E. Delais-Roussaire, M. Avanzi, & S. Herment (Eds.), Prosody and language in contact (pp. 171–188). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer
Sánchez Alvarado, Covadonga. 2020. The production and perception of subject focus prosody in L2 Spanish. University of Massachusetts Amherst dissertation.