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Get bibtex entries for refs #70

Closed jvcasillas closed 1 year ago

jvcasillas commented 1 year ago

We need to add the following references to our bib file:

I'm pretty swamped with other issues. Can anybody else jump on these? It's really easy. A reference like this:

Quilis, Antonio (1981). Fonética acústica de la lengua española. Madrid: Gredos.

Looks like this:

  address = {Madrid},
  author = {Quilis, Antonio},
  isbn = {8424901312},
  publisher = {Gredos},
  series = {Biblioteca rom{\'a}nica hisp{\'a}nica. III, Manuales; 49},
  title = {Fon{\'e}tica ac{\'u}stica de la lengua espa{\~n}ola},
  year = {1981}}

You can just search for the articles/chapters in google scholar and then export the bibtex reference. Once you get the bibtex reference you can copy and paste it as a reply to this issue and then check off the box in the list above.

jvcasillas commented 1 year ago

Quilis, Antonio (1987). Entonación dialectal hispánica. In H. López Morales and M. Vaquero (eds), Actas del I Congreso internacional sobre el español de América. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Academia puertorriqueña de la lengua española, 117–63.

  title={Entonaci\'on dialectal hisp\'anica},
  author={Antonio Quilis},
  booktitle={{A}ctas del {I} {C}ongreso internacional sobre el espa\~nol de {A}m\'erica. {S}an {J}uan, {P}uerto Rico: {A}cademia puertorrique\~na de la lengua espa\~nola},
  editor={L\'opez Morales, H and Vaquero, M},
jvcasillas commented 1 year ago

Quilis, Antonio (1993). Tratado de fonología y fonética españolas. Madrid: Gredos.

  author = {Quilis, Antonio},
  publisher = {Madrid: Gredos},
  title = {Tratado de fonolog\'ia y fon\'etica espa\~nolas},
  year = {1993}
jvcasillas commented 1 year ago

Sosa, Juan Manuel (1999). La entonación del español. Madrid: Cátedra.

  author = {Sosa, Juan Manuel},
  publisher = {Madrid: C\'atedra},
  title = {La entonaci\'on del espa\~nol},
  year = {1999}
jvcasillas commented 1 year ago

Sosa, Juan Manuel (2003). Wh-questions in Spanish: meanings and configuration variability. Catalan Journal of Linguistics 2: 229–47.

  title={Wh-questions in {S}panish: meanings and configuration variability},
  author={Sosa, Juan Manuel},
  journal={Catalan Journal of Linguistics},
RobertEspo commented 1 year ago

@article{henriksen2012transcription, title={Transcription of intonation of jerezano andalusian Spanish}, author={Henriksen, Nicholas C and Amaya, Lorenzo J Garc{\'\i}a}, journal={Estudios de fon{\'e}tica experimental}, pages={109--162}, year={2012} }

@article{armstrong2010puerto, title={Puerto Rican Spanish intonation}, author={Armstrong, Meghan E}, journal={Transcription of intonation of the Spanish language}, pages={155--189}, year={2010}, publisher={Lincom Europa M{\"u}nchen} }

@phdthesis{armstrong2012development, title={The development of yes-no question intonation in Puerto Rican Spanish}, author={Armstrong, Meghan Elizabeth}, year={2012}, school={The Ohio State University} }

@book{alvord2006spanish, title={Spanish intonation in contact: The case of Miami Cuban bilinguals}, author={Alvord, Scott Mark}, year={2006}, publisher={University of Minnesota} }

@article{butragueno2003hacia, title={Hacia una descripci{\'o}n pros{\'o}dica de los marcadores discursivos. Datos del espa{\~n}ol de M{\'e}xico}, author={Butrague{\~n}o, Pedro Mart{\'\i}n}, journal={La ton{\'\i}a: dimensiones fon{\'e}ticas y fonol{\'o}gicas}, pages={375--402}, year={2003} }

@article{butragueno2004configuraciones, title={Configuraciones circunflejas en la entonaci{\'o}n del espa{\~n}ol mexicano}, author={Butrague{\~n}o, Pedro Mart{\'\i}n}, journal={Revista de Filolog{\'\i}a Espa{\~n}ola}, volume={84}, number={2}, pages={347--373}, year={2004} }

@book{colantoni2011broad, title={Broad-focus declaratives in Argentine Spanish contact and non-contact varieties}, author={Colantoni, Laura}, year={2011}, publisher={John Benjamins} }

@article{colantoni2004convergence, title={Convergence and intonation: historical evidence from Buenos Aires Spanish}, author={Colantoni, Laura and Gurlekian, Jorge}, journal={Bilingualism: Language and cognition}, volume={7}, number={2}, pages={107--119}, year={2004}, publisher={Cambridge University Press} }

@article{labastia2006prosodic, title={Prosodic prominence in argentinian spanish}, author={Labast{\'\i}a, Leopoldo Omar}, journal={Journal of Pragmatics}, volume={38}, number={10}, pages={1677--1705}, year={2006}, publisher={Elsevier} }

@article{labastia2011procedural, title={Procedural encoding and tone choice in Buenos Aires Spanish}, author={Labast{\'\i}a, Leopoldo}, journal={V. Escandell Vidal, M. Leonetti y A. Ahern (comps.), Procedural Meaning: Problems and Perspectives, CRISPI}, volume={25}, pages={383--413}, year={2011} }

@article{lira2000prosodia, title={La prosodia de las preguntas indagativas y no-indagativas del espa{\~n}ol culto de Santiago de Chile}, author={Lira, H{\'e}ctor Ortiz and Uribe, Miriam Elizabeth Cid}, journal={LEA: Ling{\"u}{\'\i}stica Espa{\~n}ola Actual}, volume={22}, number={1}, pages={23--50}, year={2000}, publisher={Arco Libros} }

@article{ortiz2003acentos, title={Los acentos tonales en un corpus de espa{\~n}ol de Santiago de Chile: su distribuci{\'o}n y realizaci{\'o}n}, author={Ortiz-Lira, H{\'e}ctor}, journal={La ton{\'\i}a: dimensiones fon{\'e}ticas y fonol{\'o}gicas}, pages={303--316}, year={2003}, publisher={M{\'e}xico DF: El Colegio de M{\'e}xico} }

@article{o2012intonation, title={Intonation in Spanish}, author={O’Rourke, Erin}, journal={The handbook of Hispanic linguistics}, volume={69}, pages={173}, year={2012}, publisher={Wiley Online Library} }

@book{o2005intonation, title={Intonation and language contact: A case study of two varieties of Peruvian Spanish}, author={O'Rourke, Erin}, year={2005}, publisher={University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign} }

@book{hualde2012handbook, title={The handbook of Hispanic linguistics}, author={Hualde, Jos{\'e} Ignacio and Olarrea, Antxon and O'Rourke, Erin}, year={2012}, publisher={Wiley Online Library} }

@article{prieto2010interactive, title={Interactive atlas of Romance intonation}, author={Prieto, Pilar and Borr{`a}s-Comes, Joan and Roseano, Paolo}, journal={Web page: http://prosodia. upf. edu/iari}, year={2010} }

@book{prieto2010transcription, title={Transcription of intonation of the Spanish language}, author={Prieto, Pilar and Roseano, Paolo}, year={2010}, publisher={Lincom Europa Munich} }

RobertEspo commented 1 year ago

I'm fairly certain I got all of them, but someone might want to double check.

jvcasillas commented 1 year ago

My dude! Thank you.

jvcasillas commented 1 year ago

Estebas-Vilaplana, Eva, and Prieto, Pilar (2010). Castilian Spanish intonation. In P. Prieto and P. Roseano (eds), Transcription of Intonation of the Spanish Language. Munich: Lincom Europa, 17–48.

  title={{C}astilian {S}panish intonation},
  author={Estebas-Vilaplana, Eva and Prieto, Pilar},
  booktitle={{Transcription of Intonation of the Spanish Language}},
  editor={Prieto, Pilar and Roseano, P},
  publisher={Munich: {L}incom {E}uropa}, 
jvcasillas commented 1 year ago

Included via https://github.com/RAP-group/empathy_intonation_perc/pull/69