RAX-Anomaly / MagsRedux

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Infinite Ammo Exploit #305

Open TarzanoftheDrap3s opened 11 months ago

TarzanoftheDrap3s commented 11 months ago

Currently running GAMMA with Mags Redux, noticed a bug while using the one in the chamber option. While in you inventory normally if you right click a weapon with a magazine inserted you do not have the "unload" option to empty your chamber. However if you have the weapon drawn and drag a full magazine onto your weapon and right click the weapon before the animation has completed the "unload" option will appear and remain even after the animation is complete. If you then click "unload" the magazine will remain in your weapon and how ever many total rounds of which ever round is in the chamber will spawn in your inventory, ie, if you have an AP round in the chamber and drag a 30 round magazine full of FMJ onto your gun and unload it after the animation has finished playing, you will spawn 31 rounds of AP ammo into your inventory.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfTF3SUJH9k unlisted video of the exploit in action.