RAunplugged / uRA

Red Alert: Unplugged. Standalone mod based on the OpenRA engine!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Resolve Single Player's Missions grouping bug, affecting mods/Windows users. #40

Open SoScared opened 6 years ago

SoScared commented 6 years ago

Currently mods based off OpenRA's bleed don't have access to mission groupings, possibly only affecting Windows users.

Relevant OpenRA PR: https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA/pull/14868 and issue: https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA/issues/11599

This issue is fixed on OpenRA's bleed but seemingly still relevant with mods updated with the bleed engine. As mentioned in the referenced PR this still could be a Windows issue.

Example1 uRA, engine version: (20180318). openra 2018-03-25 15-49-23-78

The uRA master version contains the mission entries as examples as shown above: https://github.com/RAunplugged/uRA/blob/master/mods/ura/missions.yaml https://github.com/RAunplugged/uRA/blob/master/mods/ura/maps/missions/intervention/map.yaml https://github.com/RAunplugged/uRA/blob/master/mods/ura/mod.yaml#L194

Example2 Generals Alpha, engine version: gen-20180323. Altered for use as example. openra 2018-03-25 15-44-33-32

In both examples above, the mission.yaml defines some of the maps' directory with 'Group A' however all maps are thrown into the default catch-all group 'Missions'.

SoScared commented 6 years ago

Added mission-selector examples to the master repository: https://github.com/RAunplugged/uRA/commit/37d91217850c6df6a72dd8ae772e291be81f396e

SoScared commented 6 years ago

This issue resolves itself when playing the game through travis built installers.