The serial protocol analysis from the K3 laser
Apache License 2.0
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Suggestion for future hacking #4

Open hansmbakker opened 4 years ago

hansmbakker commented 4 years ago

Cool that you reverse engineered the protocol this way!

If you would be interested in seeing more of what the windows app does, and if the app you got with your engraver is based on .Net, you might try using ILSpy to decompile it.

ewanm89 commented 2 years ago

The one I've looked at was all win32 API, and going via the protocol sniffing the comms seems to be much easier. I ran a serial port monitor and came to some of the same conclusions of how it is working. I then found this project that had the details more fleshed out.

Biggest issue is the ammount of chinese in the app I have it has a settings panel that is not translated for example.

RBEGamer commented 2 years ago

The software of mine was .Net and I made a Visual Studio project out of it. But the code was also Chinese and Google translate was not very useful. I figured out that the main window contains much more hidden buttons.