RBMHTechnology / eventuate

Global-scale event sourcing and event collaboration with causal consistency (This project is in maintenance mode. Only critical bugs will be fixed, but there is no more feature development.).
Apache License 2.0
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Cassandra storage backend #62

Closed krasserm closed 9 years ago

krasserm commented 9 years ago

This is a resolution to the suspended #59 which will also free us from maintaining a separate

This will for sure reduce operational complexity but may also reduce development effort. We will be able to re-use a lot of work done in akka-persistence-cassandra which also has several production deployments.

Regarding the discussion about read consistency in akka-persistence-cassandra, we need to consider that batch writes must not cross partition boundaries. If a new batch write doesn't fit into the remaining space of a partition, the partition will be padded with placeholders (consuming sequence numbers) and the batch will then be written to the next partition. Consequence is that sequence numbers seen by the application are not contiguous which is fine in our case. Having this implemented, we will be able to guarantee the event replication semantics required by Eventuate.

Another significant advantage is that all writes to Cassandra are idempotent (in contrast to writes to Kafka) which simplifies event log actor development.

giena commented 9 years ago

What about the caveats here: https://github.com/krasserm/akka-persistence-cassandra#caveats A post that has disappeared: https://support.datastax.com/entries/69902949-ReadTimeoutException-seen-when-using-the-java-driver-caused-by-excessive-tombstones And an analogy with queue implementation in Cassandra: http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/cassandra-anti-patterns-queues-and-queue-like-datasets I've experienced these issues when i test the akka persistence plugin for Cassandra at a high throughput. I do a snapshot at 50000 msgs, then i delete the 50000 messages. I've hundreds of persisted Actor. Cassandra works for some minutes and then i get ReadTimeOutException. On the Cassandra server side i've too many tombstones... IMO Cassandra is not the best solution since we can do a lot of deletes when we do event-sourcing. The best usage with Cassandra (like Aerospike) is to store long life data with a lot of updates. The Kafka use case is to journalize so it is best suited for event sourcing. The deletion does not cost with Kafka. But perhaps you have some workarounds for these Cassandra caveats ?

newca12 commented 9 years ago

Google cache to the rescue : http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:hhmnz38DpW0J:https://support.datastax.com/mobile/switch%3Freturn_to%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fsupport.datastax.com%252Fentries%252F69902949-ReadTimeoutException-seen-when-using-the-java-driver-caused-by-excessive-tombstones+&cd=1&hl=fr&ct=clnk&gl=fr

krasserm commented 9 years ago

@giena @newca12 Eventuate uses Cassandra for long-term event storage and event deletion will not be part of the public API. Disks are cheap and events are stored in a way that the Cluster can scale with data volume just by adding nodes. Consequently, all concerns regarding queue anti-patterns do not apply here. If deletion should be necessary at all, an appropriate administrative tool will be provided. The reasons why we decided against using Kafka are explained in #59.