MSX-EQ PSG Spectrolyzer Cartridge
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First DA1 led bar never lites on #3

Closed PicoElements closed 8 months ago

PicoElements commented 8 months ago

Hello. I love this project and i succeded in building a board with led bars. Actually i'm trying with a Toshiba HX-20 using King's Valley as a game in the second slot and the MSX-EQ board in the first slot.

Tha strange thing is that only the first led bar is not working, all the others work. I tested the led orientation and is with negative on the right for each bar. Maybe the game is not using the frequencies at DA1 ? Maybe some bad joint? Can you suggest me a game i could use to be sure the first bar is used?

Thanks a lot for your help, Stefano

Pyhesty commented 8 months ago

Hello! Thank you very much for your interest. Check it on demo aytunes or bad apple https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=89905 https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=89738 you can see effect: https://youtu.be/Vhv5bKJgaLk?t=950 Unfortunately, many PLD often have damaged pins. Change PLD Good luck. Dmitri aka Pyhesty

PicoElements commented 8 months ago

Thank you Dmitri for your answer! I will try to build another board or swap the PLD. I'm using 10 led bar and i've filled the board with 1k resistors also if i noticed that only 8 leds are used. Could it be an issue? Thnks!

EDIT: finally i made another game, Goonies, i don't have carnivore yet, now i'm waiting a friend that could come to test, but now with this game i can see the first bar moving so , it's the frequency, the board is safe ! Any plan to use all the ten leds? Thanks a lot!