RBVI / ChimeraX

Source code for molecular graphics program UCSF ChimeraX
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`bundles/remote_control` uses `xmlrpclib`, which isn't shipped with ChimeraX #10

Open zjp opened 2 years ago

zjp commented 2 years ago

remote_control looks like a good place to add the capability to talk to Phenix, just wondering what the status of this package is. Its directory was last modified in 2019.

tomgoddard commented 2 years ago

The remote_control bundle was an experiment from a couple years ago to use xmlrpc for Phenix to interact with ChimeraX, since xmlrpc was how Phenix talked to Coot and PyMol. It provides the "remotecontrol xmlrpc" command. I don't think anyone uses this.

The "remotecontrol rest" command is implemented in the rest_server bundle. That is closer to what we envision for how we want Phenix and ChimeraX to communicate.

zjp commented 2 years ago

OK, if no one uses it and we want to use rest_server for Phenix do you want to keep remote_control? You wrote the code, it's your call.

zjp commented 2 years ago

Well, I see Greg and Conrad there too -- you made the last commit to some subset of the files!

tomgoddard commented 2 years ago

I don't know if anyone is using remotecontrol xmlrpc. It is not a priority to try to deprecate and remove it.