RBVI / ChimeraX

Source code for molecular graphics program UCSF ChimeraX
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How to use chimerax 1.5 in centos7? #30

Closed gaorongchao closed 1 year ago

gaorongchao commented 1 year ago

Now chimerax does not provided .rpm for centos7, when use ChimeraX-1.5.tar.gz, I encounter some error ./ChimeraX: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by chimerax-1.5/bin/../lib/libpython3.9.so.1.0). Can you provided a .rpm for centos7 or a tutorial to solve the problem.

Thank you very much!

gaorongchao commented 1 year ago

GLIBC update may lead the system can not be used.

zjp commented 1 year ago

ChimeraX has used Qt6 since 1.4, and we're bound by the minimum glibc version required by Qt6. You will have to find an unsupported workaround or upgrade your operating system.