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IoT penetration Testing
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Automated Network Discovery #13

Open EddieBrito opened 3 months ago

EddieBrito commented 3 months ago

As a cybersecurity analyst, I want an automated network discovery feature within our security toolkit, so that I can quickly and efficiently identify all wireless networks within range, gather essential data about them, and prepare them for a detailed security assessment.

Acceptance Criteria:

Automatic Detection:
    Upon initiation, the tool should automatically detect all wireless networks within the operational range of the connected Wi-Fi adapter.
    The tool should not require manual input to start the discovery process, other than the command to initiate.

Comprehensive Network Information:
    For each detected network, the tool should collect and display key information including SSID (network name), BSSID (MAC address), encryption type (e.g., WEP, WPA, WPA2), channel, signal strength, and whether WPS is enabled.
    The tool should differentiate and mark hidden SSIDs for potential manual exploration or automated techniques to reveal their names.

Efficient Scanning:
    The scanning process should be optimized for speed and efficiency, ensuring a quick turnaround without sacrificing the depth of discovery.
    The tool should implement strategies to minimize duplicate scanning efforts and prioritize networks based on signal strength or other user-defined criteria.

User Interface and Reporting:
    Detected networks should be listed in a clear, organized manner, preferably with options to sort and filter the list based on various criteria like signal strength, encryption type, or SSID.
    The tool should offer an option to export the list of discovered networks into a report format (e.g., CSV, TXT) for further analysis or documentation purposes.

Continuous Monitoring Option:
    Users should have the option to keep the network discovery active for continuous monitoring, allowing the tool to update the list of networks in real-time as new networks appear or existing networks go offline.
    Any newly discovered networks during continuous monitoring should be highlighted or otherwise indicated to the user.

Integration with Further Security Testing:
    The network discovery feature should seamlessly integrate with other components of the security toolkit, enabling users to easily select one or multiple networks from the discovered list for vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, or other security analyses.
    The tool should maintain a session history or state, allowing users to return to a previous discovery session and select networks for further action without needing to rediscover.