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IoT penetration Testing
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Setup Django Project (BB-G3) #23

Open Subhan002 opened 3 months ago

Subhan002 commented 3 months ago

As a developer working on a WiFi penetration testing platform,

I want to set up a Django project with distinct apps for different sections of the platform,

So that each section can be developed independently and maintain clean separation of concerns for scalability and ease of management.

Acceptance Criteria:

Project Initialization:

A new Django project is created.

App Creation:

Four separate Django apps are created within the project: Main, Guide, About Us, and Contact Us.

App Configuration:

Each app is added to the INSTALLED_APPS list in the project’s settings.py to be recognized by the Django project.

View Stubbing:

Each app has a views.py file that contains at least one view function as a placeholder for future development. For example, main_index, guide_index, about_us_index, and contact_us_index.

Template Setup:

Each app contains a templates directory with a base HTML file named after the app (e.g., main.html, guide.html, etc.). A base template (base.html) is created in the main project's templates directory, from which all app-specific templates will inherit.

URL Routing:

The project’s urls.py is configured to include routes for each app. Each app has its own urls.py that defines the patterns leading to its respective view functions. For example, the url/admin view will lead us to the Admin login for the Django site.

Static Files:

A static directory is created within each app to house its CSS, JavaScript, and other static assets.

Basic Navigation:

The base template includes a navigation bar that links to each app’s main view.

Version Control:

The project, with all its apps, is initialized as a Git repository, and a first commit is made with the message "Initial project setup with main, guide, about us, and contact us apps."


A README.md file is created, outlining the structure of the project, the purpose of each app, and steps to get the project running.