RCAttack / byteBuggy

IoT penetration Testing
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User-Friendly Dashboard Design (BB-B2) #24

Open Subhan002 opened 3 months ago

Subhan002 commented 3 months ago

User Story: As a developer, I want to have a user-friendly dashboard within Django that allows me to monitor the status of the pen testing website and ensure the website is operating successfully.

Acceptance Criteria:

1) Design a visually appealing and intuitive dashboard interface within Django, accessible to authorized users.
2) Implement authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure only authorized users can access the dashboard.
3) The dashboard should prominently display the status of connected IoT devices, indicating whether they are online or offline.
4) Integrate real-time data visualization components such as graphs, charts, or gauges to represent important metrics and sensor data collected from the IoT devices.
5) Ensure that the data visualizations are dynamic and update in real-time to reflect the latest information from the IoT devices.
6) Include controls within the dashboard interface that allow users to send commands or instructions to the IoT devices, such as buttons, switches, or sliders.
7) Implement error handling and feedback mechanisms to notify users of any issues or errors encountered while communicating with the IoT devices.
8) Ensure that the dashboard interface is responsive and accessible across different devices and screen sizes, including desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
9) Provide clear and concise documentation or tooltips within the dashboard to guide users on how to interpret the data visualizations and use the control features effectively.
10) Conduct usability testing with potential users to gather feedback and make iterative improvements to the dashboard design and functionality.

By fulfilling these acceptance criteria, the Django dashboard will offer a user-friendly interface for monitoring IoT device status, visualizing data, and controlling device functions, enhancing the overall user experience and efficiency of device management tasks.