RCPL / polaris-api

A PHP class built for interacting with the Polaris API. Polaris is a product from Innovative Interfaces.
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Paginate through Patron Search #5

Open mpl-cwassen opened 2 years ago

mpl-cwassen commented 2 years ago

I am using the Patron->Search function, and I have not figured out a way to paginate through the results. The API has an argument you can pass through called "patronsperpage" or "page", but passing any of these through as array items just gives an error that "Qualifier XXX not supported."

What is the correct way to iterate through all the results?

attheshow commented 2 years ago

It doesn't look like we have a way to get more than the default number of 10 patrons currently unfortunately. It looks like we'd need to make some changes to the searchQuery function in order to allow the patronsperpage to be passed through correctly.

I took a look at our implementations at Richland and it doesn't look like we're ever directly calling patron->search at any point. Some of the methods we're actively using are searchBasic, searchAnd, searchByBarcode, searchDuplicate, and searchEmail.