3.2. The application uses or is based on data from the same spatiotemporal and socio-economic context
These are the study ID of 'data transferred from other context' and 'unclear'
3.3 How are values articulated in this application? All answers..
3.1. Elicitation process: Other answers s3_single_with_other_elicit_n78.xlsx
3.2. The application uses or is based on data from the same spatiotemporal and socio-economic context These are the study ID of 'data transferred from other context' and 'unclear' s3_single_with_other_data_n148.xlsx
3.3 How are values articulated in this application? All answers.. 3.3_allanswers.xlsx
3.4. This application presents values in following form: Other answers s3_single_with_other_values_n59.xlsx
3.5. Aggregation: the application aggregate different stakeholders' values : Other answers s3_single_with_other_stakeholder_n38.xlsx