RCommon-Team / RCommon

A cohesive set of .NET 8+ infrastructure libraries that utilizes abstractions for persistence, unit of work/transactions, distributed event handling, CQRS, and more.
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Use Default Interface Methods #136

Open tb-mtg opened 4 months ago

tb-mtg commented 4 months ago

Just as suggestion, have you considered moving repeated implementation logic code into their interfaces by taking advantage of default interface methods?

For example, the following overrides could be removed from: https://github.com/RCommon-Team/RCommon/blob/main/Src/RCommon.Linq2Db/Crud/Linq2DbRepository.cs

public override IQueryable<TEntity> FindQuery(ISpecification<TEntity> specification)  
  ... // Logic moved into ILinqRepository.cs

public async override Task<IPaginatedList<TEntity>> FindAsync(IPagedSpecification<TEntity> specification, CancellationToken token = default)
  ... // Logic moved into ILinqRepository.cs

and moved into: https://github.com/RCommon-Team/RCommon/blob/main/Src/RCommon.Persistence/Crud/ILinqRepository.cs

public interface ILinqRepository<TEntity> : IQueryable<TEntity>, IReadOnlyRepository<TEntity>, IWriteOnlyRepository<TEntity>, 
  where TEntity : IBusinessEntity 
  IQueryable<TEntity> FindQuery(ISpecification<TEntity> specification) 
    => FindQuery(specification.Predicate);

  Task<IPaginatedList<TEntity>> FindAsync(IPagedSpecification<TEntity> specification, CancellationToken token = default) 
    => FindAsync(specification.Predicate, specification.OrderByExpression, specification.OrderByAscending, specification.PageIndex, specification.PageSize, token);

JasonMWebb commented 4 months ago

That is a nice language feature. I'm pretty close to finishing the hardening of version 2.0 and then am quickly moving on to version 2.0.1 where we'll need to begin changing the interfaces in this area. It may be a nice time to look at cleaning up the code a bit with something like default interface methods. Nice recommendation!