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10 questions for output stats/modelling #15

Open kieranjmartin opened 2 years ago

kieranjmartin commented 2 years ago

focus on mle and survival analysis

kieranjmartin commented 2 years ago

@joseph-ProCogia you need to submit these as pull requests for me to review fully efficiently, but a few notes.

1) In both this and #14 you have formated your yaml a little differently; this is fine, we can harmonise. But note that I don't know if your file will format fully as yaml. In particular, if you want a multe line entry like in question 2 you need syntax like

question: | my multiline input

(actually as per this stack overflow there are lots of ways to do this! https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3790454/how-do-i-break-a-string-in-yaml-over-multiple-lines) 2) For question 2, is "expected value" a little confusing? I think in programming terms the expected value is a list of class lm with various attributes describing the model and residuals... Maybe "what statistical procedure is this code conducting?" 3) I think question 5 is maybe more of a question as to what dplyr does, than stats modelling? 4) Is question 8 a little more syntax based rather than stats modelling? 5) Typo in question 10 "arguement". Also I could be wrong but I think survival will accept a data.frame too?