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Extending a parent class with inconsistent properties #352

Open hadley opened 12 months ago

hadley commented 12 months ago

Currently it's possible to define a class whose properties are inconsistent with its parent:


foo1 <- new_class("foo1", properties = list(x = class_integer))
foo2 <- new_class("foo2", parent = foo1, properties = list(x = class_character))

This doesn't error when you create the class, but it's not possible to construct it because there's no value that will satisfy the validator of both foo1 and foo2:

foo2(x = 1L)
#> Error: <foo2> object properties are invalid:
#> - @x must be <character>, not <integer>
foo2(x = "x")
#> Error: <foo1> object properties are invalid:
#> - @x must be <integer>, not <character>

Should we make this a define-time error? In principle, I think it's ok for a child class to make a property more restrictive than the parent class, but there's no way to test for test for this in general (since the restriction may occur at the validator level).

hadley commented 12 months ago

I think this should probably be a warning, not an error. For example, imagine that pkg A defines class A and pkg B defines class B which extends class A. If pkg A introduces a new field that conflicts with pkg B, you can continue to somewhat use pkg B (i.e. you only error where there are direct conflicts with the semantics, not at every instantiation).

Similarly if you accidentally introduce a conflict in your own package, it's generally easy to debug if you get a clear warning rather than an error which causes all code loading to fail.

hadley commented 11 months ago

This is a more subtle example of the issue:


foo1 <- new_class("foo1", properties = list(x = class_numeric)
foo2 <- new_class("foo2", parent = foo1, properties = list(x = class_integer))

bar <- new_generic("bar", "x")
method(bar, foo1) <- function(x) {
  x@x <- 1.5


Narrowing might also happen through the validator:

foo1 <- new_class("foo1", properties = list(x = class_numeric)
foo2 <- new_class("foo2", parent = foo1, properties = list(x = new_property(class_numeric, validator = is_positive))
hadley commented 11 months ago

WG call suggested that it should be an error if the child property class is not a subclass of parent property class, i.e. we only allow narrowing of types. (This only works if the property is largely read only, but that's a common case) Otherwise, it's silent.

hadley commented 9 months ago

Something like this:

  overridden <- intersect(names(all_props), names(new_props))
  if (length(overridden) > 0) {
    for (i in seq_along(overridden)) {
      new <- new_props[[i]]
      old <- all_props[[i]]

      if (!class_extends(new$class, old$class)) {
        msg <- sprintf(
          "%s@%s must extend %s@%2$s.\n* %3$s@%2$s is %s.\n* %1$s@%2$s is %s.",
        stop(msg, call. = FALSE)

But need to start with definition of class_extends()