RConsortium / submissions-pilot2

development repo for pilot2 submission to FDA
GNU General Public License v3.0
19 stars 12 forks source link

Error: failed to retrieve package 'class@7.3-19', could not retrieve available packages for url "https://packagemanager.rstudio.com/cran/2022-09-01/bin/windows/contrib/4.2" #48

Open armenic opened 1 year ago

armenic commented 1 year ago

Dear developer,

I am not able to restore the packages by using renv::restore(). The full error message as well as my machine / R / RStudio specifications are provided for your consideration.

I can install other packages in another project from CRAN mirror "http://cran.rstudio.com/".

I also tried changing Global -> Packages -> Un-check Use secure download method for HTTP


> renv::restore()
The following package(s) will be updated:

# Cellar =============================
- pilot2wrappers   [* -> 0.5.0]

# RSPM ===============================
- MASS             [repo: CRAN -> RSPM; ver: 7.3-57 -> 7.3-54]
- Matrix           [repo: CRAN -> RSPM; ver: 1.4-1 -> 1.3-4]
- class            [repo: CRAN -> RSPM; ver: 7.3-20 -> 7.3-19]
- mgcv             [repo: CRAN -> RSPM; ver: 1.8-40 -> 1.8-38]
- nlme             [repo: CRAN -> RSPM; ver: 3.1-157 -> 3.1-153]
- nnet             [repo: CRAN -> RSPM; ver: 7.3-17 -> 7.3-16]
- rpart            [repo: CRAN -> RSPM; ver: 4.1.16 -> 4.1-15]
- survival         [repo: CRAN -> RSPM; ver: 3.3-1 -> 3.2-13]
- DT               [* -> 0.20]
- R.cache          [* -> 0.15.0]
- R.methodsS3      [* -> 1.8.1]
- R.oo             [* -> 1.24.0]
- R.utils          [* -> 2.11.0]
- R6               [* -> 2.5.1]
- RColorBrewer     [* -> 1.1-2]
- Rcpp             [* -> 1.0.8]
- SQUAREM          [* -> 2021.1]
- Tplyr            [* -> 0.4.4]
- askpass          [* -> 1.1]
- assertthat       [* -> 0.2.1]
- attempt          [* -> 0.3.1]
- backports        [* -> 1.4.1]
- base64enc        [* -> 0.1-3]
- bit              [* -> 4.0.4]
- bit64            [* -> 4.0.5]
- bitops           [* -> 1.0-7]
- brew             [* -> 1.0-6]
- brio             [* -> 1.1.3]
- broom            [* -> 0.7.12]
- bslib            [* -> 0.3.1]
- cachem           [* -> 1.0.6]
- callr            [* -> 3.7.0]
- checkmate        [* -> 2.0.0]
- cli              [* -> 3.3.0]
- clipr            [* -> 0.7.1]
- colorspace       [* -> 2.0-2]
- commonmark       [* -> 1.8.0]
- config           [* -> 0.3.1]
- cowplot          [* -> 1.1.1]
- cpp11            [* -> 0.4.2]
- crayon           [* -> 1.4.2]
- credentials      [* -> 1.3.2]
- crosstalk        [* -> 1.2.0]
- curl             [* -> 4.3.2]
- desc             [* -> 1.4.0]
- devtools         [* -> 2.4.3]
- diffobj          [* -> 0.3.5]
- digest           [* -> 0.6.29]
- dockerfiler      [* -> 0.1.4]
- downlit          [* -> 0.4.0]
- dplyr            [* -> 1.0.9]
- easyalluvial     [* -> 0.3.0]
- ellipsis         [* -> 0.3.2]
- emmeans          [* -> 1.7.2]
- estimability     [* -> 1.3]
- evaluate         [* -> 0.16]
- fansi            [* -> 1.0.2]
- farver           [* -> 2.1.0]
- fastmap          [* -> 1.1.0]
- fontawesome      [* -> 0.2.2]
- forcats          [* -> 0.5.1]
- formatters       [* -> 0.3.1]
- fs               [* -> 1.5.2]
- future           [* -> 1.23.0]
- future.apply     [* -> 1.8.1]
- generics         [* -> 0.1.2]
- gert             [* -> 1.5.0]
- ggalluvial       [* -> 0.12.3]
- ggplot2          [* -> 3.3.5]
- ggridges         [* -> 0.5.3]
- gh               [* -> 1.3.0]
- gitcreds         [* -> 0.1.1]
- globals          [* -> 0.14.0]
- glue             [* -> 1.6.1]
- golem            [* -> 0.3.1]
- gower            [* -> 0.2.2]
- gridExtra        [* -> 2.3]
- gt               [* -> 0.7.0]
- gtable           [* -> 0.3.0]
- haven            [* -> 2.4.3]
- here             [* -> 1.0.1]
- highr            [* -> 0.9]
- hms              [* -> 1.1.1]
- htmltools        [* -> 0.5.2]
- htmlwidgets      [* -> 1.5.4]
- httpuv           [* -> 1.6.5]
- httr             [* -> 1.4.2]
- huxtable         [* -> 5.4.0]
- ini              [* -> 0.3.1]
- ipred            [* -> 0.9-12]
- isoband          [* -> 0.2.5]
- jquerylib        [* -> 0.1.4]
- jsonlite         [* -> 1.7.3]
- kableExtra       [* -> 1.3.4]
- knitr            [* -> 1.40]
- labeling         [* -> 0.4.2]
- later            [* -> 1.3.0]
- lava             [* -> 1.6.10]
- lazyeval         [* -> 0.2.2]
- lifecycle        [* -> 1.0.1]
- listenv          [* -> 0.8.0]
- logger           [* -> 0.2.2]
- lubridate        [* -> 1.8.0]
- magrittr         [* -> 2.0.2]
- markdown         [* -> 1.1]
- memoise          [* -> 2.0.1]
- mime             [* -> 0.12]
- munsell          [* -> 0.5.0]
- mvtnorm          [* -> 1.1-3]
- numDeriv         [* -> 2016.8-1.1]
- openssl          [* -> 2.0.2]
- packrat          [* -> 0.8.1]
- parallelly       [* -> 1.30.0]
- parcats          [* -> 0.0.3]
- pillar           [* -> 1.6.5]
- pkgbuild         [* -> 1.3.1]
- pkgconfig        [* -> 2.0.3]
- pkgdown          [* -> 2.0.2]
- pkglite          [* -> 0.2.0]
- pkgload          [* -> 1.2.4]
- plyr             [* -> 1.8.6]
- praise           [* -> 1.0.0]
- prettyunits      [* -> 1.1.1]
- processx         [* -> 3.5.2]
- prodlim          [* -> 2019.11.13]
- progress         [* -> 1.2.2]
- progressr        [* -> 0.10.0]
- promises         [* ->]
- ps               [* -> 1.6.0]
- purrr            [* -> 0.3.4]
- ragg             [* -> 1.2.1]
- randomForest     [* -> 4.6-14]
- rappdirs         [* -> 0.3.3]
- rcmdcheck        [* -> 1.4.0]
- reactR           [* -> 0.4.4]
- reactable        [* -> 0.2.3]
- readr            [* -> 2.1.2]
- recipes          [* -> 0.1.17]
- rematch2         [* -> 2.1.2]
- remotes          [* -> 2.4.2]
- rlang            [* -> 1.0.5]
- rmarkdown        [* -> 2.16]
- roxygen2         [* -> 7.1.2]
- rprojroot        [* -> 2.0.2]
- rsconnect        [* -> 0.8.27]
- rstudioapi       [* -> 0.13]
- rtables          [* ->]
- rversions        [* -> 2.1.1]
- rvest            [* -> 1.0.2]
- sass             [* -> 0.4.2]
- scales           [* -> 1.2.1]
- selectr          [* -> 0.4-2]
- sessioninfo      [* -> 1.2.2]
- shiny            [* -> 1.7.1]
- shinyWidgets     [* -> 0.6.3]
- shinyjs          [* -> 2.1.0]
- sourcetools      [* -> 0.1.7]
- stringi          [* -> 1.7.6]
- stringr          [* -> 1.4.0]
- styler           [* -> 1.6.2]
- svglite          [* -> 2.1.0]
- sys              [* -> 3.4]
- systemfonts      [* -> 1.0.3]
- teal             [* -> 0.11.1]
- teal.code        [* -> 0.1.1]
- teal.data        [* -> 0.1.1]
- teal.logger      [* -> 0.1.0]
- teal.reporter    [* -> 0.1.0]
- teal.slice       [* -> 0.1.1]
- teal.transform   [* -> 0.1.1]
- teal.widgets     [* -> 0.1.1]
- testthat         [* -> 3.1.2]
- textshaping      [* -> 0.3.6]
- tibble           [* -> 3.1.6]
- tidyr            [* -> 1.1.4]
- tidyselect       [* -> 1.1.1]
- timeDate         [* -> 3043.102]
- tinytex          [* -> 0.36]
- tippy            [* -> 0.1.0]
- tzdb             [* -> 0.2.0]
- usethis          [* -> 2.1.5]
- utf8             [* -> 1.2.2]
- vctrs            [* -> 0.4.1]
- viridisLite      [* -> 0.4.0]
- visR             [* -> 0.2.0]
- vroom            [* -> 1.5.7]
- waldo            [* -> 0.3.1]
- webshot          [* -> 0.5.2]
- whisker          [* -> 0.4]
- withr            [* -> 2.4.3]
- xfun             [* -> 0.32]
- xml2             [* -> 1.3.3]
- xopen            [* -> 1.0.0]
- xtable           [* -> 1.8-4]
- yaml             [* -> 2.2.2]
- zip              [* -> 2.2.0]

Do you want to proceed? [y/N]: y
* Querying repositories for available binary packages ... Done!
* Querying repositories for available source packages ... Done!
Warning: failed to find binary for 'class 7.3-19' in package repositories
Warning: failed to find source for 'class 7.3-19' in package repositories
Error: failed to retrieve package 'class@7.3-19'
In addition: Warning messages:
1: could not retrieve available packages for url "https://packagemanager.rstudio.com/cran/2022-09-01/bin/windows/contrib/4.2" 
2: could not retrieve available packages for url "https://insightsengineering.github.io/depository/2022_06_09/bin/windows/contrib/4.2" 
3: could not retrieve available packages for url "https://insightsengineering.github.io/depository/2022_06_09/src/contrib" 
4: could not retrieve available packages for url "https://packagemanager.rstudio.com/cran/2022-09-01/src/contrib" 

My machine

Device name RMSMW030266
Full device name    RMSMW030266.nala.roche.com
Processor   Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10310U CPU @ 1.70GHz   2.21 GHz
Installed RAM   16.0 GB (15.8 GB usable)
Device ID   627E0CAE-1160-4AD9-AF10-B608303E3155
Product ID  00329-00000-00003-AA548
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch   No pen or touch input is available for this display

RStudio, I had to download the .zip version (https://download1.rstudio.org/desktop/windows/RStudio-2022.07.2-576.zip) otherwise I did not have admin privilege to install

2022.07.2 Build 576


platform       x86_64-w64-mingw32               
arch           x86_64                           
os             mingw32                          
crt            ucrt                             
system         x86_64, mingw32                  
major          4                                
minor          2.1                              
year           2022                             
month          06                               
day            23                               
svn rev        82513                            
language       R                                
version.string R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23 ucrt)
nickname       Funny-Looking Kid 
armenic commented 1 year ago

The issue was related with the office firewall. Once I got out from the office the renv::restore() started to work. If you do not have any other questions, please close it.

rpodcast commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the feedback, especially with your testing behind a corporate firewall. Just to confirm, you are able to install packages behind your firewall when the CRAN repository is https://cran.rstudio.com ?

armenic commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the feedback, especially with your testing behind a corporate firewall. Just to confirm, you are able to install packages behind your firewall when the CRAN repository is https://cran.rstudio.com ?

That's correct.