RConsortium / submissions-pilot4-webR

Development repository for Pilot 4 WebAssembly Shiny App
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Missing utils script source in Option 1 for Initialize R Package Environment section of ADRG #11

Closed parmsam closed 4 months ago

parmsam commented 4 months ago

Just read over the ADRG. For the section on Initialize R Package Environment, we're missing the following under Option 1: RStudio. Right now, it's only in Option 2: R Console but applies to both options.

::: callout-note
Due to certain R packages in the application requiring compilation, the entire package restoration procedure may require at least ten minutes or longer to complete depending on internet bandwidth and your computer's hardware profile.

Once the package installation process is complete, run the following code to load a set of functions utilized in the remaining steps:


Also, @rpodcast, do we still need `adrg-quarto.qmd`? It looks like we're using `_adrg.qmd` which seems to have the same content.