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Best sUAS Data and Metadata Community Practices
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Insitu containers NetCDF vs geojason? #3

Open RDA-sUAS-Data opened 7 years ago

RDA-sUAS-Data commented 7 years ago

NetCDF offers the advantage of being able to exploit the many existing data archive and interoperability tools.

Onboard the sUAS perhaps something more lightweight would be better - eg geojason - or maybe these best practices should simple stick to being about archival data?

mkunzBGC commented 7 years ago

maybe these best practices should simple stick to being about archival data?

I think they should. The inflight data storage depends on many factors (sensors, interfaces, logging capabilities) and will be very hard to change in many cases.

mkunzBGC commented 7 years ago

If we decide for netCDF, the question remains which version to use. To me netCDF-4 seems clearly best suited due to a number of new features. Considering the fact that it was released almost 9 years ago one might think that it has found wide adoption. However, I see now that even the draft (1.7) version of the (widely adopted and relevant) Climate and Forecasting conventions is tailored to the older formats. But maybe we don't have to care? We could still refer to parts of the CF conventions we like, e.g. the table of standard names for quantities.

adamsteer commented 7 years ago

before discussing formats, what is the use case? what are you trying to store? trajectory/attitude? everything? all logged data?

Unless you're keeping imagery inside the same file (bad idea IMO), you have essentially tabular data (which could be indexed by space and/or time) - and generally small data (say, 250Hz imu, 2-5hz GPS, timestamps, N attributes about temp/pressure/??)

What are the use cases for those data? what are the most common queries? temporal? spatial? My use cases are nearest-time-searching (camera shutter and trajectory); or LiDAR georeferencing - what are others?

What is already commonly adopted in the community, if anything?

Many questions, which work toward a requirement analysis - which in might show a natural fit to some format, or not...