The file ttl/Examples/exRSCFullAudioDiscPerformedMusic.ttl cannot be uploaded to standards-conforming triple stores since it contains characters that are not allowed in the Turtle format. For example, uploading this file to emits the following error:
Error in file > ttl/Examples/exRSCFullAudioDiscPerformedMusic.ttl:
Expected entity but got ; on line 47.
Notice that TriplyDB is correct here; the dot on the following first line must be a semi-colon:
RDA seems to have syntax issues with all of its format variants, see #175 and #176. This seems to be a structural problem.
There are modern tools out there that can generate standard-conforming RDF. offers a free service for the first 1M triples. Please make use of modern tools that guarantee syntactic correctness.
Other remarks
For the record: Little Earthquakes is a great album.
The file
cannot be uploaded to standards-conforming triple stores since it contains characters that are not allowed in the Turtle format. For example, uploading this file to emits the following error:Notice that TriplyDB is correct here; the dot on the following first line must be a semi-colon:
RDA files to follow the Turtle W3C standard.
Wider context
RDA seems to have syntax issues with all of its format variants, see #175 and #176. This seems to be a structural problem.
There are modern tools out there that can generate standard-conforming RDF. offers a free service for the first 1M triples. Please make use of modern tools that guarantee syntactic correctness.
Other remarks
For the record: Little Earthquakes is a great album.