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RDA/RDF examples to be validated #200

Open delahousse opened 1 month ago

delahousse commented 1 month ago

Hello, I started to write RDA/RDF just for the purpose of the first training of the team. We will build on during the alignment process of UNIMARC / RDA. I choose to use object properties when relating RDA entities to each other.

example after review by Damian Iseminger

@prefix rdac: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/c/ . @prefix rdaa: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/a/ . @prefix rdaao: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/a/object/ . @prefix rdae: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/e/ . @prefix rdam: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/m/ . @prefix rdan: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/n/ . @prefix rdawo: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/w/object/ . @prefix rdaeo: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/e/object/ . @prefix rdaed: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/e/datatype/ . @prefix rdamo: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/m/object/ . @prefix rdamd: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/m/datatype/ . @prefix xsd: http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema# .

Defining the Work (abstract concept of the book)

http://example.org/works/001 a rdae:C10001 ; # Work rdawo:P10436 http://example.org/person/1 ; # has author person rdawo:P10078 http://example.org/works/001/expression/1; # has expression of work rdawo:P10223 http://example.org/works/001/nomen/1. # has preferred title of work

Defining a Nomen of the work

http://example.org/works/001/nomen/1 a rdac:C10012; rdan:P80068 "To Kill a Mockingbird" . # has nomen string

Defining the Expression (specific expression of the work)

http://example.org/works/001/expression/1 a rdae:C10006 ; # Expression rdaeo:P20059 http://example.org/works/001/expression/1/manifestation/1; #has manifestation of expression rdaeo:P20311 http://example.org/works/001/expression/1/nomen/1; #has appellation of expression rdaed:P20006 "English" . # has language of expression

Defining a Nomen for expression identification

http://example.org/works/001/expression/1/nomen/1 a rdac:C10012; rdan:P80068 "To Kill a Mockingbird" . # has nomen string

Defining the Manifestation (physical publication)

http://example.org/works/001/expression/1/manifestation/1 a rdam:C10007 ; # Manifestation rdamo:P30083 http://example.org/corporate/1 ; # has publisher agent rdamo:P30004 http://example.org/works/001/expression/1/manifestation/1/nomen/1; #has identifier for manifestation rdamd:P30011 "1960"^^xsd:gYear . # has date of publication

Defining a Nomen for manifestation identification

http://example.org/works/001/expression/1/manifestation/1/nomen/1 a rdac:C10012; rdan:P80068 "ISBN-123-456-789" . # has nomen string

Defining the Person (Harper Lee)

http://example.org/person/1 a rdaa:C10004 ; # Person rdaao:P50117 http://example.org/agents/HarperLee/nomen/1. # has preferred name of person

Defining a Nomen of Harper Lee

http://example.org/agents/HarperLee/nomen/1 a rdac:C10012; rdan:P80068 "Harper Lee" . # has nomen string

Defining the corporate body J. B. Lippincott & Co.

http://example.org/corporate/1 a rdac:C10005; rdaao:P50041 http://example.org/corporate/1/nomen/1. # has preferred name of corporate body

Defining a Nomen of J. B. Lippincott & Co.

http://example.org/corporate/1/nomen/1 a rdac:C10012; rdan:P80068 "J. B. Lippincott & Co." . # has nomen string

diseminger commented 1 month ago

The only thing here that I see that is not conformant is that the instance of Expression requires a value of the property rdae:P20311 (appellation of expression) or one of its rdfs:subProperties. Otherwise, this looks like it is conformant.

delahousse commented 1 month ago

thanks for your help I will correct the example jean

LianWintermans commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for sharing this. Out of curiosity: there are many ways to represent Nomens for ISBNs, why did you choose this particular representation? At Podiumkunst.net (as well as at the RKD) we chose not to include "ISBN" (or hyphens) in the nomen string. See for example: https://github.com/PodiumkunstNet/ApplicationProfileRDA/blob/63a91132f802407e723193dca51b8f1561125df4/rdf/examples/03_ware-leven-bach-2.ttl#L131.

delahousse commented 3 weeks ago

I completely agree with you. In this project we process a unimarc to RDA conversion for ABES and we choose not to modify the value used in Unimarc notices. With the idea that a second process directly on the rdf graph would clean the string values (remove "ISBN" for example) or resolve string values into links. Thanks for your comment. In your example you give a rdfs:label to each resource, which is a good idea, at least for a visualisation of the graph.

LianWintermans commented 3 weeks ago

That is exactly why we added rdfs:label. It is emphatically not meant to replace any of the RDA properties.

GordonDunsire commented 3 weeks ago

I don't think this is good practice. A nomen is a string label linked to its referent entity. As such, a nomen itself cannot have a different string label; that is why there is no 'appellation of nomen' in RDA. You cannot work around this by using a non-RDA property like rdfs:label without breaking the model.

Instead, you can treat the value of rdfs:label as another nomen string for the same entity. It is not necessary to mint a second nomen to do this; you can use the nomen string directly, as a value of rdan:P80113 "is equivalent to". The Toolkit has the instruction 'Record this element as a value of Nomen: nomen string or as an instance of a Nomen'. In this case, the datatype element should be used because its range is a literal (nomen) string:

For Lian's example:

ex:n3_2 # Nomen no. 2 = ISBN van manifestatie no. 3 a rdac:C10012 ; # it is not necessary to explicitly type the instance because the domain of all statements is Nomen rdand:P80113 "ISBN 9029515104" ; # is equivalent to rdand:P80068 "9029515104" ; # has nomen string rdano:P80069 http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300417443 . # has scheme of nomen: ISBN

This approach is extensible to include other variants of the 'same' ISBN, such as with hyphens. It is essentially a specific case of a nomen cluster; see the discussion at https://github.com/uwlib-cams/MARC2RDA/discussions/340

Note that it is clearer to use datatype and object properties,

LianWintermans commented 3 weeks ago

I see your point. The decision to use rdfs:label was a general one, but the implications for the Nomen entity were clearly not thought through well enough. I guess we will have to review the decision.

delahousse commented 3 weeks ago

I publish a new example of a notice. Any comment or remark are welcome


@prefix rdac: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/c/ .

============RDA Entity

@prefix rdax: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/x/ ; @prefix rdaxo: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/x/object/ ; @prefix rdaxd: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/x/datatype/ .


@prefix rdaw: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/w/ . @prefix rdawo: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/w/object/ . @prefix rdawd: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/w/datatype/ .


@prefix rdae: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/e/ . @prefix rdaeo: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/e/object/ . @prefix rdaed: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/e/datatype/ .


@prefix rdam: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/m/ . @prefix rdamo: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/m/object/ . @prefix rdamd: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/m/datatype/ .


@prefix rdaa: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/a/ . @prefix rdaao: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/a/object/ . @prefix rdaad: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/a/datatype/ .


@prefix rdap: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/p/ . @prefix rdapo: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/p/object/ . @prefix rdapd: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/p/datatype/ .


@prefix rdat: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/t/ . @prefix rdato: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/t/object/ . @prefix rdatd: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/t/datatype/ .


@prefix rdan: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/n/ . @prefix rdano: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/n/object/ . @prefix rdand: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/n/datatype/ .


@prefix xsd: http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema . @prefix idref: http://idref.fr/ .


https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/work/1 a rdac:C10001 ; # is a work rdawo:P10328 https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/work/1/nomen/1 ; # has access point for work rdawo:P10088 https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/work/1/nomen/2 ; # has title of work rdawo:P10256 idref:027221350 ; # has subject rdawo:P10436 idref:027055094 ; # has author person


https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/expression/1 a rdac:C10006 ; # is an expression rdaeo:P20312 https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/expression/1/nomen/3 ; # has title of expression rdaeo:P20310 https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/expression/1/nomen/4 ; # has access point for expression rdaed:P20006 "fre"^^xsd:string ; # has language of expression rdaed:P20001 "txt"^^xsd:string ; # has content type rdaeo:P20231 https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/work/1 . # has work expressed


https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation a rdac:C10007 ; # is a manifestation rdamo:P30134 http://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation/nomen/5 ; # has title of manifestation rdamo:P30276 http://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation/nomen/6 ; # has access point for manifestation rdamo:P30266 https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/expression/1 ; # has related expression of manifestation rdamo:P30004 https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation/nomen/7 ; # has identifier of manifestation (id notice) rdamo:P30004 https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation/nomen/8 ; # has identifier for manifestation (ISBN) rdamd:P30160 "300 FRF"^^xsd:string ; # has term of availability rdamo:P30004 https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation/nomen/9 ; # has identifier of manifestation -- lien pérenne autre rdamo:P30004 https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation/nomen/10 ; # has identifier for manifestation -- EAN rdamd:P30088 "Paris"^^xsd:string ; # has place of publication rdamd:P30011 "1994"^^xsd:gYear ; # has date of publication rdamd:P30182 "1 vol. (224 p.)"^^xsd:string ; # has extent of manifestation rdamd:P30233 "ill. en noir et en coul"^^xsd:string ; # has details of layout rdamd:P30169 "27 cm"^^xsd:string ; # has dimensions rdamd:P30137 "Bibliogr. p. 223. Index"^^xsd:string ; # has note on manifestation rdamo:P30083 "Larousse"^^xsd:string . # has publisher corporate body rdamd:P30287 "Impr. en Italie"^^xsd:string #has manifestation manufacture statement ##??


Defining nomen 1 -- Access Point Work

https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/work/1/nomen/1 a rdac:C10012 ; # is a nomen rdand:P80068 "La mer et la vie : chronique de la mer des origines au XXe siècle"^^xsd:string ; # has nomen string rdand:P80068 "Texte imprimé"^^xsd:string ; # has nomen string rdand:P80068 "Yves Paccalet"^^xsd:string . # has nomen string

Defining nomen 2 -- Titre Work

https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/work/1/nomen/2 a rdac:C10012 ; # is a nomen rdand:P80068 "La mer et la vie : chronique de la mer des origines au XXe siècle"^^xsd:string . # has nomen string

Defining nomen 3 -- Titre Expression

https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/work/1/nomen/3 a rdac:C10012 ; # is a nomen rdand:P80068 "La mer et la vie : chronique de la mer des origines au XXe siècle"^^xsd:string . # has nomen string

Defining nomen 4 -- Acess point Expression

https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/work/1/nomen/4 a rdac:C10012 ; # is a nomen rdand:P80068 "La mer et la vie : chronique de la mer des origines au XXe siècle"^^xsd:string ; # has nomen string rdand:P80068 "Texte imprimé"^^xsd:string ; # has nomen string rdand:P80068 "Yves Paccalet"^^xsd:string . # has nomen string

Defining nomen 5 -- Titre Manifestation

https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/work/1/nomen/5 a rdac:C10012 ; # is a nomen rdand:P80068 "La mer et la vie : chronique de la mer des origines au XXe siècle"^^xsd:string . # has nomen string

Defining nomen 6 -- Acess point Manifesttion

https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/work/1/nomen/6 a rdac:C10012 ; # is a nomen rdand:P80068 "La mer et la vie : chronique de la mer des origines au XXe siècle"^^xsd:string ; # has nomen string rdand:P80068 "Texte imprimé"^^xsd:string ; # has nomen string rdand:P80068 "Yves Paccalet"^^xsd:string . # has nomen string

Defining nomen 7 -- Identifier Manif (ID notice)

https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation/nomen/7 a rdac:C10012 ; # is a nomen rdand:P80068 "003448738"^^xsd:string . # has nomen string

Defining nomen 8 -- Identifier Manif (ISBN)

https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation/nomen/8 a rdac:C10012 ; # is a nomen rdand:P80068 "2-03-505103"^^xsd:string ; # has nomen string rdand:P80078 "ISBN"^^xsd:string . # has category of nomen

Defining nomen 9 -- URI id autre (ark BnF) Manif

https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation/nomen/9 rdac:C10012 ; # is a nomen rdan:P80068 "http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb119183495"^^xsd:string . # has nomen string

Defining nomen 10 -- id EAN Manif

https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation/nomen/10 a rdac:C10012 ; # is a nomen rdand:P80068 "9782035051035"^^xsd:string ; # has nomen string rdand:P80078 "EAN"^^xsd:string . # has category of nomen

delahousse commented 3 weeks ago

it is a conversion of an unimarc notice - we made the choice not to convert the values, which explain the string for place for example. We still have doubt on the construction of the access point, at each of the level, any advice are welcome. Best Jean

diseminger commented 3 weeks ago

So we have a common frame of reference, I am reproducing the UNIMARC for this resource from the BnF:

000 nam 22 450 001 FRBNF35732489000000X 003 http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb357324892 010 .. $a 2-03-505103-7 $b rel. $d 300 F 020 .. $a FR $b 09515212 039 .. $o OPL $a 018304612 100 .. $a 19950123d1994 m y0frey50 ba 101 0. $a fre 102 .. $a FR 105 .. $a a z 00|y| 106 .. $a r 181 .0 $6 01 $a i $b xxxe $a b $b xb2e 181 .. $6 02 $c txt $c sti $2 rdacontent 182 .0 $6 01 $a n 182 .. $6 02 $c n $2 rdamedia 200 1. $a La mer et la vie $b Texte imprimé $e chronique de la mer des origines au XXe siècle $f Yves Paccalet 210 .. $a Paris $c Larousse $d 1994 $e Impr. en Italie 215 .. $a 224 p. $c ill. en noir et en coul. $d 37 cm 300 .. $a Bibliogr. p. 223. Index 606 .. $3 11971143 $a Écologie marine $2 rameau 606 .. $3 12423905 $a Évolution (biologie) $2 rameau 606 .. $3 11932881 $a Mer $2 rameau 606 .. $3 11931063 $a Biologie marine $2 rameau 608 .. $3 12061363 $a Ouvrages de vulgarisation $2 rameau 686 .. $a 50 $2 Cadre de classement de la Bibliographie nationale française 700 .| $3 11918349 $o ISNI0000000121302620 $a Paccalet $b Yves $f 1945-.... $4 070

delahousse commented 3 weeks ago

yes, thanks to have publish the original unimarc notice best jean

diseminger commented 2 weeks ago

For the moment, I will exclude a discussion of the Nomens from my analysis.

Manifestation: rdamo:P30266 https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/expression/1 ; # has related expression of manifestation rdamd:P30160 "300 FRF"^^xsd:string ; # has term of availability rdamd:P30088 "Paris"^^xsd:string ; # has place of publication rdamd:P30011 "1994"^^xsd:gYear ; # has date of publication rdamd:P30182 "1 vol. (224 p.)"^^xsd:string ; # has extent of manifestation rdamd:P30233 "ill. en noir et en coul"^^xsd:string ; # has details of layout rdamd:P30169 "27 cm"^^xsd:string ; # has dimensions rdamd:P30137 "Bibliogr. p. 223. Index"^^xsd:string ; # has note on manifestation rdamo:P30083 "Larousse"^^xsd:string . # has publisher corporate body rdamd:P30287 "Impr. en Italie"^^xsd:string #has manifestation manufacture statement ##??

The minimum description of manifestation requires an appellation and a value for rdam:P30139 expression manifested for at least one of the expressions embodied in the manifestation. I see that you are using rdamo:P30266 related expression of manifestation. You should instead use rdamo:P30139.

The UNIMARC notice uses field 210, which does not differentiate between producers, publishers, or distributors in $a, $c or $d. For conversion purposes you might want to use the RDA elements rdamd:P30279 place of manifestation, rdamd:P30329 creator agent of manifestation, and rdamd:P30278 date of manifestation.

For the phrase "Impr. en Italie" in $e of the 210, that is a place of manufacture, so you can use rdamd:P30087 place of manufacture as your property. The "manifestation statement" properties:

are intended to be used to transcribe data as it is found on the manifestation. Since it is difficult to reconstruct from a UNIMARC notice how publication information appeared on the manifestation, I would recommend not using the "manifestation statement" elements if doing a conversion from UNIMARC to RDA.

For "rdamd:P30233 "ill. en noir et en coul"^^xsd:string ; # has details of layout", the 215 $c is defined in UNIMARC as other physical details. For a book, this often meant stating whether the manifestation embodied content that were illustrations. For other carriers, it could be describing physical characteristics of he manifestation. In other words, trying to map this field to a specific RDA element can be difficult. For this specific case, I would recommend using rdamd:P30453 illustrative content. But for future conversions, you may want to be conservative and use rdamd:P30137 note on manifestation for data coded in 215 $c.

I also see the UNIMARC notice is coding for the RDA media type in 182 $c (182 .. $6 02 $c n $2 rdamedia). They are using the code that is available from the MARC21 standard; see https://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdamedia.html. Code "n" corresponds to the term "unmediated" from the RDA Media Type vocabulary encoding scheme (see https://www.rdaregistry.info/termList/RDAMediaType/ for the list of terms). You may wish to include this in your conversion. You could do the triple as:

rdam:P30002 http://rdaregistry.info/termList/RDAMediaType/1007

instead of doing it as a literal.

diseminger commented 2 weeks ago

Expression https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/expression/1 a rdac:C10006 ; # is an expression rdaed:P20006 "fre"^^xsd:string ; # has language of expression rdaed:P20001 "txt"^^xsd:string ; # has content type rdaeo:P20231 https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/work/1 . # has work expressed

For the values of rdaed:P20006 and rdaed:P20001, you may want to consider using an IRI.

The source of the code in 101 $a is ISO 639-2. The Library of Congress Linked Data service has created IRIs for each of the 3 letter codes. See http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2.

The source of the code for 181 $c is indicated in $2 and is "rdacontent", which comes from https://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html, which itself is derived from the RDA Content Type vocabulary encoding scheme (http://rdaregistry.info/termList/RDAContentType). The code "txt" in rdacontent is equivalent to the concept http://rdaregistry.info/termList/RDAContentType/1020.

rdae:P20006 http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/fre ; # has language of expression rdae:P20001 http://rdaregistry.info/termList/RDAContentType/1020 ; # has content type

diseminger commented 2 weeks ago

I have no comments about the values of the Work properties.

diseminger commented 2 weeks ago


For the manifestation, you have these Nomens associated with it: rdamo:P30134 http://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation/nomen/5 ; # has title of manifestation rdamo:P30276 http://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation/nomen/6 ; # has access point for manifestation rdamo:P30004 https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation/nomen/7 ; # has identifier of manifestation (id notice) rdamo:P30004 https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation/nomen/8 ; # has identifier for manifestation (ISBN) rdamo:P30004 https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation/nomen/9 ; # has identifier of manifestation -- lien pérenne autre rdamo:P30004 https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation/nomen/10 ; # has identifier for manifestation -- EAN

The description of the nomens are

Defining nomen 5 -- Titre Manifestation https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/work/1/nomen/5 a rdac:C10012 ; # is a nomen rdand:P80068 "La mer et la vie : chronique de la mer des origines au XXe siècle"^^xsd:string . # has nomen string

Defining nomen 6 -- Access point Manifesttion https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/work/1/nomen/6 a rdac:C10012 ; # is a nomen rdand:P80068 "La mer et la vie : chronique de la mer des origines au XXe siècle"^^xsd:string ; # has nomen string rdand:P80068 "Texte imprimé"^^xsd:string ; # has nomen string rdand:P80068 "Yves Paccalet"^^xsd:string . # has nomen string

Defining nomen 7 -- Identifier Manif (ID notice) https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation/nomen/7 a rdac:C10012 ; # is a nomen rdand:P80068 "003448738"^^xsd:string . # has nomen string

Defining nomen 8 -- Identifier Manif (ISBN) https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation/nomen/8 a rdac:C10012 ; # is a nomen rdand:P80068 "2-03-505103"^^xsd:string ; # has nomen string rdand:P80078 "ISBN"^^xsd:string . # has category of nomen

Defining nomen 9 -- URI id autre (ark BnF) Manif https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation/nomen/9 rdac:C10012 ; # is a nomen rdan:P80068 "http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb119183495"^^xsd:string . # has nomen string

Defining nomen 10 -- id EAN Manif https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation/nomen/10 a rdac:C10012 ; # is a nomen rdand:P80068 "9782035051035"^^xsd:string ; # has nomen string rdand:P80078 "EAN"^^xsd:string . # has category of nomen

Let's first talk about nomens 7 and 9, which you provide as values of rdamo:P30004 has identifier for manifestation. These are not actually identifiers for your manifestation, they are identifiers for resources that are describing your manifestation. See the definition of UNIMARC 001 and 003. UNIMARC field 001 is a local identifier; field 003 is a persistent identifier, i.e. an IRI.

RDA provides the relationship rdam:P30462 is manifestation described with metadata by, to relate the manifestation to a resource that is describing it.

For your SUDOC local identifier you could do the following:

https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation rdamd:P30462 "003448738"^^xsd:string . # is manifestation described with metadata by

If you wanted to indicate this is a SUDOC system number, you would need to reify the triple. Once it is reified, any of the RDA work elements may be used to describe the metadata statement. For my example I am using RDF reification, although other methods could also produce the same results:

https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation rdamd:P30462 "003448738"^^xsd:string . # is manifestation described with metadata by [ a rdf:Statement ; rdf:subject https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation ; rdf:predicate rdamd:P30462 ; rdf:object "003448738"^^xsd:string ; rdawd:P10402 "SUDOC system number" . ] #has note on metadata work

For the persistent identifier for the BnF, I would prefer to have the value be an IRI: https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/manifestation rdamo:P30462 http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb119183495 . # is manifestation described with metadata by

For the value of nomen 6, you are providing 3 different nomen strings, but this is incorrect. A nomen must have one and only one nomen string associated with it. From what I can tell, it looks like you want to have the access point in the form of:

Title of manifestation. General material designation**. Statement of responsibility.

This should be given as one nomen string: https://www.sudoc.fr/003448738/work/1/nomen/6 a rdac:C10012 ; # is a nomen rdand:P80068 "La mer et la vie : chronique de la mer des origines au XXe siècle. Texte imprimé. Yves Paccalet"^^xsd:string . # has nomen string

Nomens 5, 8, and 10 look good to me.

I would like to stress that unless you are wanting to provide more information about a nomen, it can just be provided as a literal value.

So for title of manifestation and access point for manifestation, you could do the following:

rdamd:P30134 "La mer et la vie : chronique de la mer des origines au XXe siècle"^^xsd:string ; # has title of manifestation rdamd:P30276 "La mer et la vie : chronique de la mer des origines au XXe siècle. Texte imprimé. Yves Paccalet"^^xsd:string . # has access point for manifestation

**there is no equivalent for General material designation in RDA because GMD mixed elements of content and carrier together. The GMD may be used in an access point, but if your notices have the carrier type coded in field 183, you may want to use that instead in constructing your access point.

diseminger commented 2 weeks ago

The comments I provided about multiple nomen strings for nomen 6 would also apply to nomens 1 and 4.

The comments about only providing a literal value instead of declaring a nomen also apply to nomens 1-4.

delahousse commented 1 week ago

I did not have time to come back to you but thanks a lot for all those very useful comments and your help. Will come back with a new version of the rda notice - best - jean