RDARegistry / RDA-Vocabularies

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dewey classification #201

Open delahousse opened 1 month ago

delahousse commented 1 month ago

How to indicate Dewey classification with RDA ontology ?

diseminger commented 1 month ago

A classification number is a number that indicates the subject matter of the content of an information resource. That is a subject relationship, and because it is a relationship between the work an external vocabulary encoding scheme, it is not in scope for RDA.

from the guidance: [start] Coverage of the construction and use of a subject analysis vocabulary encoding scheme is out of scope for RDA. Any kind of entity can be a subject of a Work, and there are many ways of modelling the organization and structure of a subject vocabulary.

A work can be related to any other entity, including a concept or term, that is a subject of a work using Work: subject. [end]

Uses of RDA are free to create their own properties that are rdfs:subProperties of RDA elements. So you could refine the “has subject” property to something that would cover Dewey numbers.

Often a classification number is used in US Libraries in conjunction with cutters to provide an identifier for manifestations or for items, often in the context of providing a way to shelve physical objects. In those cases, the identifier for manifestation or identifier for item elements would be used.

GordonDunsire commented 1 month ago

Jean: you may find this discussion useful:


This is from a project that is attempting to convert MARC 21 records to RDA linked data. If you want to access the linked Google document (make sure it is the latest version), please ask for sharing via the Google document and the project will consider your request :-)

delahousse commented 1 month ago

Hello, We found a skos dewey classification. So the idea is to use the property rdaw:P10256 | "has subject" with the uri of a dewey concept as value and not to create a subproperty, as the information it is a subject from Dewey classification can be found in the description of the Concept. Best Jean