RDFLib / FuXi

Chimezie Ogbuji's FuXi reasoner. NON-FUNCTIONING, RETAINED FOR ARCHIVAL PURPOSES. For working code plus version and associated support requirements see:
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FuXi=1.4 failur at importing FunctionalProperty in testOWL #11

Closed sheon closed 9 years ago

sheon commented 9 years ago

I just installed FuXi from https://github.com/RDFLib/FuXi... then I tried the testOWL from FuXi webpage and I got the following errors:

< from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace ImportError: No module named Namespace >

which I then checked the module should be rdflib.namespace (with lower case), and this was resolved but the next error is

< from rdflib.OWL import FunctionalityProperty ImportError: No module named OWL>

I couldn't fix this one :)... but the question is that what is wrong? is it because of the rdflib version as mentioned here : http://answers.semanticweb.com/questions/1805/rdflib-troubles the current rdflib version is 4.2.0 so I assume these problems should be resolved.

is there any version of FuXi which does not have such problems or have I messed up with the installation?

gromgull commented 9 years ago

testOWL from FuXi webpage

This is an alternative version of fuxi for newer version of rdflib. Using things from the "main" versino of Fuxi will break.

sheon commented 9 years ago

Thanks I used the testOWL.py from the same source (GitHub) and the error is "no module named Collection".

gromgull commented 9 years ago

I am sorry, but this FuXi (I dont know about the other one), as you can see the last activity was over 2 years ago, maybe we changed something in rdflib since then.

sheon commented 9 years ago

Do we have a newer version? I could not install the FuXi using the FuXi installation (https://code.google.com/p/fuxi/wiki/Installation_Testing) on my Windows 7 system. So I found this one here and I easily installed. I really need a working version of FuXi for my reaserch but so far I have no success. Could you please help me with that?