A simple implementation of the OWL2 RL Profile on top of RDFLib: it expands the graph with all possible triples that OWL RL defines. It can be used together with RDFLib to expand an RDFLib Graph object, or as a stand alone service with its own serialization.
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Decide on better name for OWL-RL Python module and put the project on PyPI #20

Closed wrobell closed 5 years ago

wrobell commented 5 years ago

The project name is OWL-RL, however the Python module name is RDFClosure (see also setup.py). Would be great to have better name, i.e. owlrl (if not taken).

Then please put the package on PyPI. :)

nicholascar commented 5 years ago

We are about to make a first release on PyPI after integrating @wrobell's literals test and adding in a few OWL-RL profile tests. When we push to PyPI we'll try and use owlrl everywhere, rather than RDFClosure. We will also create readthedocs.io documentation for the module. ETA for all this is mid/late December.

ashleysommer commented 5 years ago

Fixed by https://github.com/RDFLib/OWL-RL/commit/9a23615712e8e203c2942ecdd9a10671eb4fe27e