I am trying to generate a vocpub rendering of a SKOS taxonomy I manage.
I have used riot to verify that the taxonomy is a good RDF file and a SPARQL query to verify that
there are no cycles in the taxonomy
For every skos:broader there is a corresponding skos:narrower
All concepts with no skos:broader relation are skos:hasTopConcept of the ConceptScheme
When I run pylode with the vocpub profile I get an attribute error while trying to render the concept hierarchy. Does anyone have an idea on what might be causing this?
@zednis can you please send me the vocab file to test with? I can properly debug then. Just email it to me, if its not too large, on nicholas.car@surroundaustralia.com.
I am trying to generate a vocpub rendering of a SKOS taxonomy I manage.
I have used riot to verify that the taxonomy is a good RDF file and a SPARQL query to verify that
When I run pylode with the vocpub profile I get an attribute error while trying to render the concept hierarchy. Does anyone have an idea on what might be causing this?