Closed satra closed 10 years ago
sorry for the late reply, but you could've realized that it's hard to debug this with more info... please provide the files of the graph serialized as turtle and xml and your rdflib version
What are the contents of your graph? Could you provide more verbose information about its construction? Cheers.
the graph is an automated construction from a workflow program, so it's really large. here is an example:
but the key here is the roundtrip. i use rdflib to create this graph, but it won't read it back in.
Thanks for that - it was absolutely vital.
Confirmed as a bug in the RDFLib notation3 parser. For a workaround, switch temporarily to using the rdf/xml format for transport.
Despite the misleading error message, it's an issue with the notation3 parser's handling of the namespace localpart, to wit.:
import rdflib
problemlocalname = '''\
@prefix fs: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
<> a fs:stat_header,
prov:Entity ;
fs:mrisurf.c-cvs_version "$Id: mrisurf.c,v .. abridged .. Exp $" .
FS = rdflib.Namespace('')
g = rdflib.Graph()
g.bind('fs', str(FS))
turtledump = g.serialize(format="turtle").decode('utf-8')
g1 = rdflib.Graph()
g1.parse(data=turtledump, format="turtle")
Looks like the problem could be in the code for notation3.SinkParser.path
Now, if I only knew what a "path production" was ....
i'm serializing a graph with about 16000 statements. the graph serializes to turtle fine, but doesn't read the output back in properly
no error happens if i serialize to rdf+xml or nt.