RDFLib / sparqlwrapper

A wrapper for a remote SPARQL endpoint
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use aiohttp for async #157

Open mosoriob opened 3 years ago

mosoriob commented 3 years ago

Use urllib2 led to the code running sequentially and synchronous.

renefritze commented 2 years ago

Looks like there's only the one place where an actual http request is made, right?

So one could experiment with subclassing Wrapper and re-implementing _query, if there's an easy way to translate between the urllib2 and the aiohttp request?

stuarthendren commented 3 weeks ago

I've had success in repurposing the code to support async GET requests using httpx (I assume similar would be possible for aiohttp). More work would likely be required to support POST, auth and more still to integrate this in a better way but for anyone wanting a hack:

from http.client import HTTPResponse
from typing import Tuple, cast

from httpx import AsyncClient, HTTPStatusError, Response
from SPARQLWrapper import QueryResult, SPARQLWrapper
from SPARQLWrapper.SPARQLExceptions import (

# Hack the SparqlWrapper to add async methods
class AsyncSparqlWrapper(SPARQLWrapper):
    async def _asyncQuery(self) -> Tuple[HTTPResponse, str]:
        async with AsyncClient() as client:
            request = self._createRequest()

            method = request.get_method()
            url = request.get_full_url()
            headers = dict(request.headers)
            # May not have correct type?
            data = request.data if method == "POST" else None

            response = await client.request(
                method, url, headers=headers, timeout=None, data=data
            except HTTPStatusError as e:
                if e.response.status_code == 400:
                    raise QueryBadFormed(e.response.read())
                elif e.response.status_code == 404:
                    raise EndPointNotFound(e.response.read())
                elif e.response.status_code == 401:
                    raise Unauthorized(e.response.read())
                elif e.response.status_code == 414:
                    raise URITooLong(e.response.read())
                elif e.response.status_code == 500:
                    raise EndPointInternalError(e.response.read())
                    raise e
            # worst part of HACK
            return cast(HTTPResponse, ResponseWrapper(response)), self.returnFormat

    async def asyncQuery(self) -> QueryResult:
        result = await self._asyncQuery()
        return QueryResult(result)

    async def asyncQueryAndConvert(self):
        res = await self.asyncQuery()
        return res.convert()

class ResponseWrapper:
    def __init__(self, response: Response):
        self.response = response

    def read(self) -> bytes:
        return self.response.read()

    def getcode(self) -> int:
        return self.response.status_code

    def geturl(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.response.url}"

    def info(self):
        return self.response.headers