RE-SS3D / SS3D-Art

Art repository for Space Station 3D.
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Copy assets from the GoogleDrive #10

Open cosmiccoincidence opened 1 year ago

cosmiccoincidence commented 1 year ago


Copy assets from the GoogleDrive

During the process, assets may be vetted or changed to suit our project.

If the asset is already in the art repo then no need to copy, asset in repo is more up to date.


This issue is the 3rd step in issue #7 and will be broken up into multiple steps based on asset type.

This one will be a massive undertaking and will get broken up into many pieces.

Sections will be given a ✔️ emoji once all subtasks have been completed.

1. Animations

- [ ] 1. Animations...

2. Fonts ✔️

- [x] 2. Fonts #54

3. Graphics ✔️

- [X] 3.1. Graphics/Editor (ALL FILES ALREADY COPIED) - [x] 3.2. Graphics/UI/Atmos+HarmTypes+HUD #85 - [x] 3.3. Graphics/UI/Harm #83 - [x] 3.4. Graphics/UI/Intents+Thermometer #86 - [x] 3.5. Graphics/UI/Interactions #88 - [x] 3.6. Graphics/UI/Inventory+Items #90 - [x] 3.7. Graphics/UI/Jobs+Other #91 - [x] 3.8. Graphics/UI/TargetDoll #92

4. Textures ✔️

- [x] 4.1. Textures/Entities+Rootfolder #55 - [x] 4.2. Textures/Furniture #57 - [x] 4.3. Textures/Items/Clothing #58 - [x] 4.4. Textures/Items/Cosmetic #59 - [x] 4.5. Textures/Items/Functional/Generic/Books+Scrolls+Papers+Pictures+Cards #60 - [x] 4.6. Textures/Items/Functional/Generic/IDs+PDA+Stamps #61 - [x] 4.7. Textures/Items/Functional/Generic/Posters #62 - [x] 4.8. Textures/Items/Functional/Tools #63 - [x] 4.9. Textures/Structures #64 - [x] 4.10. Textures/World/Planets+Skyboxes #65 - [x] 4.11. Textures/World/VFX/BulletHoles #66 - [x] 4.12. Textures/World/VFX/DepartmentSymbols #67 - [x] 4.13. Textures/World/VFX/Graffiti/ABC+123+Symbols+Arrows #69 - [x] 4.14. Textures/World/VFX/Graffiti/Runes+Honk #70 - [x] 4.15. Textures/World/VFX/Particles #68 - [x] 4.16. Textures/World/VFX/Splatters+Tracks #71

5. Models

- [x] 5.1. Models/Entities/Creatures/Aliens #94 - [x] 5.2. Models/Entities/Creatures/Animals/Amphibians+Aquatic+Birds #105 - [x] 5.3. Models/Entities/Creatures/Animals/Insects+Mammals #95 - [x] 5.4. Models/Entities/Humanoids/Ghost+Gnoll+IPC+Podman+Lizard+Skeleton #98 - [ ] 5.5. Models/Entities/Humanoids/Human - [x] 5.6. Models/Entities/Humanoids/Moth #96 - [x] 5.7. Models/Entities/Silicon/Cyborgs #109 - [x] 5.8. Models/Entities/Silicon/Robots #110 - [x] 5.9. Models/Entities/Vehicles #97 - [ ] 5.10. Models/Other(extras) - [x] 5.11. Models/Furniture/Flora/Botany #99 - [x] 5.12. Models/Furniture/Flora/Lavaland+Other #100 - [x] 5.13. Models/Furniture/Flora/Potted #101 - [x] 5.14. Models/Furniture/Generic #102 - [x] 5.15. Models/Furniture/Generic/Barricades+Bed #107 - [x] 5.16. Models/Furniture/Generic/Seats #106 - [x] 5.17. Models/Furniture/Generic/Statues+Surfaces #108 - [x] 5.18. Models/Furniture/Machines/Atmos #111 - [x] 5.19. Models/Furniture/Machines/Botany #112 - [x] 5.20. Models/Furniture/Machines/Computers #120 - [x] 5.21. Models/Furniture/Machines/Dispensers+Generic+Rootfolder #121 - [ ] 5.22. Models/Furniture/Machines/Engineering #123 - [x] 5.23. Models/Furniture/Machines/Kitchen #116 - [x] 5.24. Models/Furniture/Machines/Medical #118 - [ ] 5.25. Models/Furniture/Machines/Science #124 - [x] 5.26. Models/Furniture/Machines/Security #114 - [x] 5.27. Models/Furniture/Machines/Supply #117 - [x] 5.28. Models/Furniture/Machines/Vendors #119 - [ ] 5.29. Models/Furniture/Other #125 - [x] 5.30. Models/Furniture/Storage #126 - [ ] 5.31. Models/Items/Clothing/Generic/Back+Ear+Eye+Face - [ ] 5.32. Models/Items/Clothing/Generic/Foot - [ ] 5.33. Models/Items/Clothing/Generic/Hand+Head - [ ] 5.34. Models/Items/Clothing/Generic/Jumpsuit+Rootfolder - [ ] 5.35. Models/Items/Clothing/Generic/Over+Under+Waist - [ ] 5.36. Models/Items/Clothing/Sets/Antags - [ ] 5.37. Models/Items/Clothing/Sets/Armor+Other - [ ] 5.38. Models/Items/Clothing/Sets/Departments/Command - [ ] 5.39. Models/Items/Clothing/Sets/Departments/Engineering - [ ] 5.40. Models/Items/Clothing/Sets/Departments/Medical - [ ] 5.41. Models/Items/Clothing/Sets/Departments/Science - [ ] 5.42. Models/Items/Clothing/Sets/Departments/Security - [ ] 5.43. Models/Items/Clothing/Sets/Departments/Service - [ ] 5.44. Models/Items/Clothing/Sets/Departments/Supply - [ ] 5.45. Models/Items/Clothing/Sets/Outfits - [x] 5.46. Models/Items/Consumables/Chems #160 - [x] 5.47. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/Drinks #158 - [x] 5.48. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/General/Dairy+Dessert #165 - [x] 5.49. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/General/Fruit #164 - [x] 5.50. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/General/Grains+Rootfolder #166 - [x] 5.51. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/General/Meat #163 - [x] 5.52. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/General/Snacks #159 - [x] 5.53. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/General/Veggies #162 - [x] 5.54. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/Ingredients #167 - [x] 5.55. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/Meals #168 - [x] 5.56. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/Meals/Bread+Dessert+Pasta #169 - [x] 5.57. Models/Items/Consumables/Food/Meals/Pizza+Salad+Sandwiches+Soups #170 - [x] 5.58. Models/Items/Cosmetic+Rootfolder #141 - [ ] 5.59. Models/Items/Functional/Containers/Fluid #134 - [x] 5.60. Models/Items/Functional/Containers/Object #133 - [ ] 5.61. Models/Items/Functional/Generic/ #135 - [x] 5.62. Models/Items/Functional/Generic/BooksPapersPens #136 - [x] 5.63. Models/Items/Functional/Generic/Camera #137 - [x] 5.64. Models/Items/Functional/Generic/Instruments #140 - [x] 5.65. Models/Items/Functional/Generic/SmokeStuff+Tiles (everything ported already) - [x] 5.66. Models/Items/Functional/Materials #139 - [x] 5.67. Models/Items/Functional/Parts #138 - [x] 5.68. Models/Items/Functional/Tools/Botany #142 - [x] 5.69. Models/Items/Functional/Tools/Custodial #144 - [x] 5.70. Models/Items/Functional/Tools/Engineering #143 - [x] 5.71. Models/Items/Functional/Tools/Generic #145 - [x] 5.72. Models/Items/Functional/Tools/Kitchen #146 - [x] 5.73. Models/Items/Functional/Tools/Medical #147 - [x] 5.74. Models/Items/Functional/Tools/Science #148 - [x] 5.75. Models/Items/Functional/Tools/Security #149 - [x] 5.76. Models/Items/Functional/Tools/Supply #150 - [x] 5.77. Models/Items/Functional/Tools/Antag #151 - [x] 5.78. Models/Items/Weapons/Explosive #182 - [x] 5.79. Models/Items/Weapons/Melee/Blunt #183 - [x] 5.80. Models/Items/Weapons/Melee/Sharp #184 - [x] 5.81. Models/Items/Weapons/Ranged/Energy/EnergyHandguns #187 - [x] 5.82. Models/Items/Weapons/Ranged/Energy/EnergyRifles #188 - [x] 5.83. Models/Items/Weapons/Ranged/Energy/EnergyShotguns+Rootfolder #186 - [x] 5.84. Models/Items/Weapons/Ranged/Magic #185 - [x] 5.85. Models/Items/Weapons/Ranged/Physical/Ammo+Rootfolder #194 - [x] 5.86. Models/Items/Weapons/Ranged/Physical/Handguns #189 - [x] 5.87. Models/Items/Weapons/Ranged/Physical/Rifles #191 - [x] 5.88. Models/Items/Weapons/Ranged/Physical/Shotguns #192 - [x] 5.89. Models/Items/Weapons/Ranged/Physical/SMGs #193 - [x] 5.90. Models/Items/Weapons/Ranged/Physical/Throwing #181 - [x] 5.91. Models/Items/Weapons/Shields #180 - [x] 5.92. Models/Structures/Doors #127 - [x] 5.93. Models/Structures/Floors #129 - [x] 5.94. Models/Structures/Pipes+Wires #128 - [x] 5.95. Models/Structures/WallMounts #132 - [x] 5.96. Models/Structures/Walls #130 - [x] 5.97. Models/World #156

6. Sound ✔️

- [x] 6.1. Sound/Entities #76 - [x] 6.2. Sound/Items+World #78

7. Artwork ✔️

- [x] 7.1. Artwork/Banners #38 - [x] 7.2. Artwork/Cutouts #39 - [x] 7.3. Artwork/Logos #74 - [x] 7.4. Artwork/Wallpapers #72

8. Contributor Kits

- [ ] 8.1. Documents/Contributor Kits/Animation - [ ] 8.2. Documents/Contributor Kits/Modeling
joaoburatto commented 1 year ago

.fbx files should not be uploaded here, only .blend files.