REAndroid / APKEditor

Powerful android apk editor - aapt/aapt2 independent
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apktool still can decompile protected apk #109

Open MarvsWuqian opened 3 weeks ago

MarvsWuqian commented 3 weeks ago

java -jar apkeditor.jar p -i xxx.apk then use apktool -d protected apk still be decompile

REAndroid commented 3 weeks ago

Are you sure all files decompiled correctly ? Can you build it back ? The objective of "protect" feature is to make it hard to reverse and produce gibberish data when someone tries to decode it.

MarvsWuqian commented 3 weeks ago

Are you sure all files decompiled correctly ? Can you build it back ? The objective of "protect" feature is to make it hard to reverse and produce gibberish data when someone tries to decode it.

after decompile by apktool,AndroidManifest.xml get some errors but still can read almost information,i hope apk cannot be decompile and AndroidManifest.xml cannot be read, l微信截图_20240527105411