REAndroid / APKEditor

Powerful android apk editor - aapt/aapt2 independent
Apache License 2.0
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Case sensitivity #28

Closed kiber-io closed 1 year ago

kiber-io commented 1 year ago

hi! I work on windows, as a result of which I get a case-sensitive file system. And I ran into the following problem: when unpacking the apk, where there are two resources: jW.xml and jw.xml. one file replaces another and the application is crashed after assembly. link to the apk-example:

REAndroid commented 1 year ago

I confirmed this issue on Mac OS a while ago. It will be solved soon, until then if this duplicates are resource files (not asset) you can rename all by command refactor or x.

REAndroid commented 1 year ago

For your apk, you can decompile it to xml format without any problem:

APKEditor.jar -t xml -i your_file.apk