REAndroid / APKEditor

Powerful android apk editor - aapt/aapt2 independent
Apache License 2.0
645 stars 95 forks source link Can not decode without package #70

Closed kiber-io closed 9 months ago

kiber-io commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug I created the simplest possible "empty" application. When trying to decompile it in xml mode, apkeditor crashes :( In json mode everything is ok.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Used version: 1.3.1
  2. Operating system: WSL Ubuntu 22.04
  3. Command: java -jar apkeditor.jar d -i app.apk -t xml


00.179 I: [DECOMPILE] Decoding: AndroidManifest.xml

ERROR: Can not decode without package
        at com.reandroid.arsc.chunk.xml.ResXmlDocument.serialize(
        at com.reandroid.apk.ApkModuleXmlDecoder.serializeXml(
        at com.reandroid.apk.ApkModuleXmlDecoder.decodeAndroidManifestXml(
        at com.reandroid.apk.ApkModuleXmlDecoder.decodeAndroidManifest(
        at com.reandroid.apk.ApkModuleDecoder.decode(
        at com.reandroid.apkeditor.decompile.Decompiler.execute(
        at com.reandroid.apkeditor.Main.execute(
        at com.reandroid.apkeditor.Main.execute(
        at com.reandroid.apkeditor.Main.main(

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