REGoth-project / REGoth

OpenSource-Reimplementation of the zEngine, used by the game "Gothic"
GNU General Public License v3.0
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NPCs should start conversations with a player by themselves #337

Open MaxGitHubAccount opened 6 years ago

MaxGitHubAccount commented 6 years ago

As a player I want to have the npcs also start conversation with me by themselves as in the vanilla game.

Sometimes in the game the player has no choice in starting a conversation. This happens mainly when a player comes near a NPC in a certain moment.


  1. Xardas starts to talk with the player in the beginning - currently I could just run away without talking to him.
  2. Moe in Khorinis needs to talk with the player when the player passes by.
  3. The guards of the city automatically talk with the player and don't leave him passing by.
markusobi commented 6 years ago

This is done by perceptions (percs), which are not implemented yet. In this case it is the perception PERC_ASSESSTALK.

AI/AI_Intern/Perception.d:143:  Npc_PercEnable      (self,  PERC_ASSESSTALK         ,   B_AssessTalk                ); //geht in ZS_Talk