REGoth-project / REGoth

OpenSource-Reimplementation of the zEngine, used by the game "Gothic"
GNU General Public License v3.0
630 stars 63 forks source link

Support for gothic 2 mods? #363

Open i30817 opened 5 years ago

i30817 commented 5 years ago

I was thinking of trying Velaya with this because my computer is kind of crap and shutdowns on overheating unless i place the GPU to the lowest performance.

Didn't see instructions to load mods here, i normally use GothicStarter and wine.

Is there any support for launch mods planned?

frabert commented 5 years ago

You can use the -m modfile.modoption to launch mods

i30817 commented 5 years ago

Interestingly, Velaya installs have two .mod files, neither of which work but one at least changes the menu image.

They still try to load the main game (Xardas tower with the nameless hero) instead of the mod start. Also REGoth doesn't seem prepared for gaming gothic 2, it's slower than the original and you have no collision (besides being unable to change or use the original shortcuts).

I'm still interested in the project but i'm likely going to wait a year or two before retrying. If i know something about open source engine re implementations is that they take a long while - especially if they're done on a complex language like C++ - even openmw, exult and scummvm aren't perfect yet and those projects are decades old (exult because the codebase is a mess and few coders, scummvm and openmw because they're just that complicated).

frabert commented 5 years ago

I believe you can use the -m switch more than once.

Yes, the project is still under heavy development and the team is small, the performance under windows is not stellar, but you can get some more FPS out of it by using a Release build instead of a Debug one

i30817 commented 5 years ago

I'm using linux. Honestly i think a project like this has a lot of 'growing up' to do and the code might become unrecognizable if it's not moribund (like say, exult) 5 years from now.

I'm not a historian but i recall that openmw changed approaches 1 or 2 times until they decided on a scenegraph visitor approach and became much more stable and performant, and they're still fixing silly bugs that are common to 3d, like preventing shooting from going through walls (cause the arrow collision check not starting from npc origin but the arrow origin which the animation could place beyond the wall if you're curious). The Dark mod is similar with literally thousands of man hours dedicated just in algorithms to queue opening doors and adaptability to being interrupted in the process (sounds ridiculous i know).

I don't actually know how REGoth is architected but i can see something similar happening here if the project attracts enough talent; open source projects tend to reinvent themselves often because they can't use a complete middleware like unity, the first iteration is often performance limited architecturally and last 5% bugs are legion and take several years to flush out.

Gothic is also a very complex game series with schedules which won't help.

frabert commented 5 years ago

Yes, we are aware that this is not an easy task. If it were, someone would have done it already :) Personally, I don't mind if somewhere down the road we'll have to rewrite something from scratch -- such is life, hindsight only works one way unfortunately. The links are very interesting, it'll be good to have some other projects to look up to