REMLA24-Team-5 / Model-Training

The model-training repository contains all the code required to train and test a phishing URL detection machine learning model. It includes scripts for data preprocessing, model training, evaluation, and performance testing to ensure robust and accurate model development.
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Added metrics to dvc yaml and took out exploratory code (prints) #21

Closed SagaRut closed 2 months ago

SagaRut commented 2 months ago

Not sure if these are all the metrics that should be reported on though as the assignment says: "DVC is used to report metrics and to keep track of different experiments/models. Different metrics are reported beyond model correctness." Any ideas?

Timdnb commented 2 months ago

Given that the model is rather simple (only 2 output classes), I don't think there is many more metrics that we can give (the sklearn classification report already gives basically everything)