REMnux / remnux-cli

This repository contains the source code for the REMnux installer, which is the command-line tool for installing and upgrading the REMnux distro.
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Remnux upgrade v2023.35.1 > v2023.36.1 Fails #150

Closed ShanHolo closed 3 months ago

ShanHolo commented 1 year ago

Hello world

When I tried to upgrade to 2023.36.1 I had the following issues

Update returned exit code not zero Error: Update returned exit code not zero at ChildProcess. (/snapshot/remnux-cli/remnux-cli.js:571:23) at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:315:20) at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:1021:16) at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:286:5)

Checking the saltstack log I figured out the following:

file|-remnux-addon-version-file|-/etc/remnux-version_|-managed: id: remnux-addon-version-file __run_num: 780 sls__: remnux.addon changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.remnux-python3-packages' duration: 0.005 name: /etc/remnux-version result: false

\ packages: pyelftools\n Attempting uninstall: pyelftools\n Found existing\ \ installation: pyelftools 0.29 WARNING: Error parsing requirements for pyelftools:\ \ [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pyelftools-0.29.dist-info/METADATA'\n\ \ WARNING: No metadata found in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages\n\ ERROR: Cannot uninstall pyelftools 0.29, RECORD file not found. You might be\ \ able to recover from this via: 'pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps pyelftools==0.29'." duration: 2328.396 name: pyelftools result: false

test|-remnux-dedicated|-remnux-dedicated_|-nop: id: remnux-dedicated __run_num: 837 sls__: remnux.dedicated changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.addon.remnux-addon-version-file' duration: 0.004 name: remnux-dedicated result: false

test|-remnux-python3-packages|-remnux-python3-packages_|-nop: id: remnux-python3-packages __run_num: 413 sls__: remnux.python3-packages changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.pyelftools.remnux-python3-packages-pyelftools' duration: 0.033 name: remnux-python3-packages result: false

Just in case I attach the saltstack log:


digitalsleuth commented 1 year ago

Hi @ShanHolo , a new version was released just after you posted this issue which should resolve the problem you encountered. Can you try your install again?

ShanHolo commented 1 year ago

Hi @digitalsleuth thanks for your quick response. I tried the upgrade again with the following errors:

pdate returned exit code not zero Error: Update returned exit code not zero at ChildProcess. (/snapshot/remnux-cli/remnux-cli.js:571:23) at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:315:20) at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:1021:16) at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:286:5)

Errors on /var/cache/remnux/cli/v2023.37.1/saltstack.log

file|-remnux-addon-version-file|-/etc/remnux-version_|-managed: id: remnux-addon-version-file __run_num: 784 sls__: remnux.addon changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.remnux-python3-packages' duration: 0.004 name: /etc/remnux-version result: false

\ packages: pyelftools\n Attempting uninstall: pyelftools\n Found existing\ \ installation: pyelftools 0.29 WARNING: Error parsing requirements for pyelftools:\ \ [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pyelftools-0.29.dist-info/METADATA'\n\ WARNING: No metadata found in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages\n\ ERROR: Cannot uninstall pyelftools 0.29, RECORD file not found. You might be\ \ able to recover from this via: 'pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps pyelftools==0.29'." duration: 2620.682 name: pyelftools result: false

test|-remnux-dedicated|-remnux-dedicated_|-nop: id: remnux-dedicated __run_num: 841 sls__: remnux.dedicated changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.addon.remnux-addon-version-file' duration: 0.003 name: remnux-dedicated result: false

test|-remnux-python3-packages|-remnux-python3-packages_|-nop: id: remnux-python3-packages __run_num: 417 sls__: remnux.python3-packages changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.pyelftools.remnux-python3-packages-pyelftools' duration: 0.003 name: remnux-python3-packages result: false

geeksailor commented 1 year ago

Hi @ShanHolo! I'll link my ticket but it has to do with pyelftools 0,29 folder existing in the dist-packages with no content, confusing salt. Try sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pyelftools-029.dist-info to clear it out. Without it seeing a folder there it should work to try and run an update again.


@digitalsleuth Is there a way in salt to test if the 0.29 folder exists already and if it does for salt to remove it prior to trying to update pyelftool? That might fix this issue for some.

digitalsleuth commented 1 year ago

Hi @ShanHolo , the release you attempted is missing one command, which is being pushed to the next release. It should be out shortly. @geeksailor your ticket didn't have to do with pyelftools specifically, just that the pip/wheel/setuptools issue got hung up on that package vice others. That one should also be resolved with the upcoming release.

ShanHolo commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot for your appreciated support

Trying to update again to the version 37.2 I had the similar issue. @digitalsleuth did you mean the release 37.3? right

Thanks again.

digitalsleuth commented 1 year ago

@ShanHolo , yes 37.3 is the upcoming release, which hopefully we can get out today.

geeksailor commented 1 year ago

@digitalsleuth @ShanHolo Did the 37.3 do anything with Thug because I got a bunch of errors today relating to Thug and Speakeasy while trying to run the update. Otherwise I guess I might have done something to screw it up and the update process.

digitalsleuth commented 1 year ago

@geeksailor Can you provide your log file so I can see the errors? I know Thug released an update yesterday, but speakeasy hasn't had anything recently updated.

geeksailor commented 1 year ago

@digitalsleuth here's the grepped version. I can grab you the full stack too if you wish saltstack_grepped_091523.txt

geeksailor commented 1 year ago

Ran sudo pip3 show thug and got this spaghetti mess. pip3_show_thug.txt So I ran a sudo pip3 show setuptools since that seems to be the culprit and I got this pip3_show_setuptools.txt

and a pip3 list for both of them for good measure

sudo pip3 list | grep setuptools WARNING: No metadata found in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages WARNING: No metadata found in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages setuptools 68.1.2 setuptools-rust 1.7.0 remnux@ubuntu:/var/cache/remnux/cli/v2023.37.1$ sudo pip3 list | grep thug WARNING: No metadata found in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages WARNING: No metadata found in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages thug 5.5

The Warning no metadata warning seems like the setuptools folder is broken and it is breaking everything else. Gonna go check it out EDIT: Turns out I have 4 versions of Setuptools in my python3.8 dist-packages folder, 68.12, 68.2.0,68.2.1,and 68.2.2, an 68.1.2 only has the REQUESTED file in it and nothing else. Seems like it got removed for the most part minus that file and the folder and might be screwing up PIP when it does an inventory. Gonna try removing it and see what happens.

EDIT 2: Ok that got rid of the spaghetti of errors for doing the show on thug and setuptools. Gonna try running an update again and see if it works. Not sure what happened there to leave those scraps behind but hopefully it fixes it.

geeksailor commented 1 year ago

Side note, I am up to Remnux v2023.37.1 but I still see folders for 35.1 and 36.1 in my /var/cache/remnux/cli/v2023-3* directory. Should those have been auto cleaned up or is that something manual that I can remove?

digitalsleuth commented 1 year ago

@geeksailor Given that you've made a number of changes to your python setup (ie. manually deleting folders under /usr/local/lib/python3.8), this may be an issue with some of the changes you made. However, I will need the full saltstack.log file so I can see what occurred around the installation.

As for the over directories under /var/cache, you can delete 35.1 and 36.1, they don't get cleaned up because they retain the log files.

geeksailor commented 1 year ago

Ran another update and still have problems I think similar to the first. Haven't done a comparison yet. Grepped version: saltstack_grepped_091523_1311.txt Full log: saltstack.log

digitalsleuth commented 1 year ago

@geeksailor Can you try the following, exactly as below: sudo python3 -m pip install 'setuptools=68.2.2' --force-reinstall

Once that is done, please take a look in the /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/setuptools-68.2.2.dist-info/ folder and list off the items in there?

geeksailor commented 1 year ago

@digitalsleuth Will run it now. Be back in a minute with the results

geeksailor commented 1 year ago

sudo python3 -m pip install 'setuptools==68.2.2' --force-reinstall Collecting setuptools==68.2.2 Obtaining dependency information for setuptools==68.2.2 from Using cached setuptools-68.2.2-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (6.3 kB) Using cached setuptools-68.2.2-py3-none-any.whl (807 kB) WARNING: Error parsing requirements for setuptools: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/setuptools-68.2.0.dist-info/METADATA' Installing collected packages: setuptools Attempting uninstall: setuptools WARNING: No metadata found in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages Found existing installation: setuptools 68.2.0 ERROR: Cannot uninstall setuptools 68.2.0, RECORD file not found. You might be able to recover from this via: 'pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps setuptools==68.2.0'.

Seems I have another hangup folder. Removing and running again.

digitalsleuth commented 1 year ago

Try running the following now: sudo touch /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/setuptools-68.2.0.dist-info/METADATA sudo touch /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/setuptools-68.2.0.dist-info/RECORD

Do not remove the folder.

digitalsleuth commented 1 year ago

Once you've run those commands, try the previous command I gave you for 68.2.2

geeksailor commented 1 year ago

Oh whoops I'll re-add it now. I think it is actually pip that is doing it and leaving these shells. It sees the old versions and tries to remove them but possibly doesn't clean it up completely

sudo python3 -m pip install 'setuptools==68.2.2' --force-reinstall Collecting setuptools==68.2.2 Obtaining dependency information for setuptools==68.2.2 from Using cached setuptools-68.2.2-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (6.3 kB) Using cached setuptools-68.2.2-py3-none-any.whl (807 kB) Installing collected packages: setuptools Attempting uninstall: setuptools Found existing installation: setuptools 68.2.1 Uninstalling setuptools-68.2.1: Successfully uninstalled setuptools-68.2.1 ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts. launchpadlib 1.10.13 requires testresources, which is not installed. Successfully installed setuptools-68.2.1 WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead:

ls setuptools-68.2.1.dist-info/ REQUESTED

digitalsleuth commented 1 year ago

Is the "REQUESTED" file the only thing in the folder? Also, can you run sudo python3 -m pip list and provide that output?

geeksailor commented 1 year ago

Yes, it is the only thing left. sudo python3 -m pip list | grep setuptools

WARNING: No metadata found in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages WARNING: No metadata found in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages setuptools 68.2.1 setuptools-rust 1.7.0

geeksailor commented 1 year ago

ls | grep setup

setuptools setuptools-68.2.1.dist-info setuptools-68.2.2.dist-info setuptools_rust setuptools_rust-1.7.0.dist-info

ls setuptools-68.2.2.dist-info/


68.2.2 is also in there but not on the pip list?

digitalsleuth commented 1 year ago

Something seems to be wrong with the way pip is installing your packages. Try running this: sudo python3 -m pip cache purge and then re-run the setuptools command I gave you previously.

geeksailor commented 1 year ago

@digitalsleuth Sorry had some stuff that came up and had to respond to really quick.

sudo python3 -m pip cache purge

Files removed: 990

sudo python3 -m pip install --force-reinstall 'setuptools==68.2.2'

Collecting setuptools==68.2.2 Obtaining dependency information for setuptools==68.2.2 from Downloading setuptools-68.2.2-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (6.3 kB) Downloading setuptools-68.2.2-py3-none-any.whl (807 kB) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 807.9/807.9 kB 7.7 MB/s eta 0:00:00 WARNING: Error parsing requirements for setuptools: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/setuptools-68.2.1.dist-info/METADATA' Installing collected packages: setuptools Attempting uninstall: setuptools WARNING: No metadata found in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages Found existing installation: setuptools 68.2.1 ERROR: Cannot uninstall setuptools 68.2.1, RECORD file not found. You might be able to recover from this via: 'pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps setuptools==68.2.1'.

ls setuptools-68.2.1.dist-info/


ls setuptools-68.2.2.dist-info/


sudo python3 -m pip list | grep setup

WARNING: No metadata found in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages WARNING: No metadata found in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages setuptools 68.2.1 setuptools-rust 1.7.0

sudo touch setuptools-68.2.1.dist-info/METADATA sudo touch setuptools-68.2.1.dist-info/RECORD

sudo python3 -m pip install --force-reinstall 'setuptools==68.2.2'

Collecting setuptools==68.2.2 Obtaining dependency information for setuptools==68.2.2 from Using cached setuptools-68.2.2-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (6.3 kB) Using cached setuptools-68.2.2-py3-none-any.whl (807 kB) Installing collected packages: setuptools Attempting uninstall: setuptools Found existing installation: setuptools 68.2.1 Can't uninstall 'setuptools'. No files were found to uninstall. ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts. launchpadlib 1.10.13 requires testresources, which is not installed. Successfully installed setuptools-68.2.1 WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead:

I don't think touching those files helps. I can trying coping them from 68.2.2 to see if that works

digitalsleuth commented 1 year ago

Okay, after a bit of research and searching, it looks like this has become more widespread in the python community:

I'm going to need to rework the solution it seems.

geeksailor commented 1 year ago

Oomph. Sorry to add to the workload.

digitalsleuth commented 1 year ago

Not at all, I'm glad we're discovering this now so I can nip it in the bud for anyone else. Cheers!

geeksailor commented 1 year ago

Glad to contribute!

ShanHolo commented 1 year ago

What a pity!! when I tried to update 37.3 version I had even more errors.

Even from a fresh Remnux VM installation I had the same errors.....

cat /var/cache/remnux/cli/v2023.37.3/saltstack.log | grep -i 'result: false' -B 8

file|-remnux-addon-version-file|-/etc/remnux-version_|-managed: id: remnux-addon-version-file __run_num: 786 sls__: remnux.addon changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.config.remnux-config, remnux.python3-packages.remnux-python3-packages' duration: 0.009 name: /etc/remnux-version result: false

id: remnux-config-bash-completion-unfurl __run_num: 681 sls__: remnux.config.bash-completion changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.unfurl.remnux-python3-packages-unfurl-requirements, remnux.python3-packages.unfurl.remnux-python3-packages-unfurl' duration: 0.003 name: /etc/bash_completion.d/unfurl result: false

file|-remnux-config-bash-completion-xxxswf|-/etc/bashcompletion.d/xxxswf|-managed: id: remnux-config-bash-completion-xxxswf __run_num: 654 sls__: remnux.config.bash-completion changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.xxxswf.remnux-python3-packages-xxxswf' duration: 0.002 name: /etc/bash_completion.d/xxxswf result: false

? file|-remnux-config-volatility3-permissions|-/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/volatility3/framework/symbols_|-directory : id: remnux-config-volatility3-permissions __run_num: 689 sls__: remnux.config.volatility3 changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.volatility3.remnux-python3-packages-volatility3' duration: 0.007 name: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/volatility3/framework/symbols result: false

file|-remnux-python3-packages-dotnetfile-dump-shebang|-/usr/local/bin/|-prepend: id: remnux-python3-packages-dotnetfile-dump-shebang __run_num: 417 sls__: remnux.python3-packages.dotnetfile changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.dotnetfile.remnux-python3-packages-dotnetfile-dump' duration: 0.004 name: /usr/local/bin/ result: false

file|-remnux-python3-packages-dotnetfile-dump|-/usr/local/bin/|-managed: id: remnux-python3-packages-dotnetfile-dump __run_num: 416 sls__: remnux.python3-packages.dotnetfile changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.dotnetfile.remnux-python3-packages-dotnetfile' duration: 0.005 name: /usr/local/bin/ result: false

file|-remnux-python3-packages-old-speakeasy-wrapper|-/usr/local/bin/|-absent: id: remnux-python3-packages-old-speakeasy-wrapper __run_num: 390 sls__: remnux.python3-packages.speakeasy changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.speakeasy.remnux-python3-packages-speakeasy' duration: 0.004 name: /usr/local/bin/ result: false

file|-remnux-python3-packages-speakeasy-emudll-shebang|-/usr/local/bin/|-prepend: id: remnux-python3-packages-speakeasy-emudll-shebang __run_num: 389 sls__: remnux.python3-packages.speakeasy changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.speakeasy.remnux-python3-packages-speakeasy-emuexe' duration: 0.005 name: /usr/local/bin/ result: false

file|-remnux-python3-packages-speakeasy-emudll|-/usr/local/bin/|-managed: id: remnux-python3-packages-speakeasy-emudll __run_num: 388 sls__: remnux.python3-packages.speakeasy changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.speakeasy.remnux-python3-packages-speakeasy' duration: 0.004 name: /usr/local/bin/ result: false

file|-remnux-python3-packages-speakeasy-emuexe-shebang|-/usr/local/bin/|-prepend: id: remnux-python3-packages-speakeasy-emuexe-shebang __run_num: 387 sls__: remnux.python3-packages.speakeasy changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.speakeasy.remnux-python3-packages-speakeasy-emuexe' duration: 0.004 name: /usr/local/bin/ result: false

file|-remnux-python3-packages-speakeasy-emuexe|-/usr/local/bin/|-managed: id: remnux-python3-packages-speakeasy-emuexe __run_num: 386 sls__: remnux.python3-packages.speakeasy changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.speakeasy.remnux-python3-packages-speakeasy' duration: 0.006 name: /usr/local/bin/ result: false

file|-remnux-python3-packages-volatility-rename-vol|-/usr/local/bin/vol3_|-rename: id: remnux-python3-packages-volatility-rename-vol __run_num: 351 sls__: remnux.python3-packages.volatility3 changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.volatility3.remnux-python3-packages-volatility3' duration: 0.003 name: /usr/local/bin/vol3 result: false

file|-remnux-python3-packages-volatility-rename-volshell|-/usr/local/bin/volshell3_|-rename: id: remnux-python3-packages-volatility-rename-volshell __run_num: 352 sls__: remnux.python3-packages.volatility3 changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.volatility3.remnux-python3-packages-volatility3' duration: 0.004 name: /usr/local/bin/volshell3 result: false

   or: cmd --help\n      \n      error: invalid command 'egg_info'\n\
  \      [end of output]\n  \n  note: This error originates from a subprocess,\
  \ and is likely not a problem with pip.\nerror: metadata-generation-failed\n\
  \n× Encountered error while generating package metadata.\n╰─> See above for\
  \ output.\n\nnote: This is an issue with the package mentioned above, not pip.\n\
  hint: See above for details."
duration: 2304.028
name: mwcp
result: false

? pip|-remnux-pip3-stpyv8|-/usr/local/src/remnux/stpyv8-ubuntu-20.04-3.8/stpyv8-|-installed : id: remnux-pip3-stpyv8 __run_num: 339 sls__: remnux.python3-packages.stpyv8 changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.setuptools.remnux-python3-packages-setuptools' duration: 0.003 name: /usr/local/src/remnux/stpyv8-ubuntu-20.04-3.8/stpyv8- result: false

     or: cmd --help\n      \n      error: invalid command 'egg_info'\n\
[end of output]\n  \n  note: This error originates from a subprocess,\
  \ and is likely not a problem with pip.\nerror: metadata-generation-failed\n\
  \n× Encountered error while generating package metadata.\n╰─> See above for\
  \ output.\n\nnote: This is an issue with the package mentioned above, not pip.\n\
  hint: See above for details."
duration: 2544.384
name: git+
result: false

or: cmd --help\n \n error: invalid command 'egg_info'\n\ [end of output]\n \n note: This error originates from a subprocess,\ \ and is likely not a problem with pip.\nerror: metadata-generation-failed\n\ \n× Encountered error while generating package metadata.\n╰─> See above for\ \ output.\n\nnote: This is an issue with the package mentioned above, not pip.\n\ hint: See above for details." duration: 2907.461 name: git+ result: false

or: cmd --help\n \n error: invalid command 'egg_info'\n\ \ [end of output]\n \n note: This error originates from a subprocess,\ \ and is likely not a problem with pip.\nerror: metadata-generation-failed\n\ \n× Encountered error while generating package metadata.\n╰─> See above for\ \ output.\n\nnote: This is an issue with the package mentioned above, not pip.\n\ hint: See above for details." duration: 3414.335 name: git+ result: false

or: cmd --help\n \n error: invalid command 'egg_info'\n\ \ [end of output]\n \n note: This error originates from a subprocess,\ \ and is likely not a problem with pip.\nerror: metadata-generation-failed\n\ \n× Encountered error while generating package metadata.\n╰─> See above for\ \ output.\n\nnote: This is an issue with the package mentioned above, not pip.\n\ hint: See above for details." duration: 2552.826 name: git+ result: false

or: cmd --help\n \n error: invalid command 'egg_info'\n\ \ [end of output]\n \n note: This error originates from a subprocess,\ \ and is likely not a problem with pip.\nerror: metadata-generation-failed\n\ \n× Encountered error while generating package metadata.\n╰─> See above for\ \ output.\n\nnote: This is an issue with the package mentioned above, not pip.\n\ hint: See above for details." duration: 2797.366 name: git+ result: false

  \ file or directory: '/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pyelftools-0.29.dist-info/METADATA'\n\
  WARNING: Error parsing requirements for setuptools: [Errno 2] No such file or\
  \ directory: '/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/setuptools-68.0.0.dist-info/METADATA'\n\
  \    WARNING: No metadata found in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages\n\
  ERROR: Cannot uninstall pyelftools 0.29, RECORD file not found. You might be\
  \ able to recover from this via: 'pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps pyelftools==0.29'."
duration: 2621.571
name: pyelftools
result: false

  WARNING: Error parsing requirements for setuptools: [Errno 2] No such file or\
  \ directory: '/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/setuptools-68.0.0.dist-info/METADATA'\n\
  \    WARNING: No metadata found in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages\n\
  ERROR: Cannot uninstall setuptools 68.0.0, RECORD file not found. You might\
  \ be able to recover from this via: 'pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps\
  \ setuptools==68.0.0'."
duration: 2165.034
name: setuptools==67.7.2
result: false

  (line 5)) (68.0.0)

  Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.11.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages
  (from jsonschema->-r
  (line 5)) (1.16.0) ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [Errno
  2] No such file or directory: ''/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/setuptools-68.0.0.dist-info/METADATA'''
duration: 960.481
name: remnux-python3-packages-speakeasy-requirements
result: false

pip|-remnux-python3-packages-speakeasy|-git+|-installed: id: remnux-python3-packages-speakeasy __run_num: 385 sls__: remnux.python3-packages.speakeasy changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.speakeasy.remnux-python3-packages-speakeasy-requirements' duration: 0.004 name: git+ result: false

  \ --help-commands\n         or: cmd --help\n      \n      error: invalid\
  \ command 'egg_info'\n      [end of output]\n  \n  note: This error originates\
  \ from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.\nerror: metadata-generation-failed\n\
  \n× Encountered error while generating package metadata.\n╰─> See above for\
  \ output.\n\nnote: This is an issue with the package mentioned above, not pip.\n\
  hint: See above for details."
duration: 7342.093
name: remnux-python3-packages-unfurl-requirements
result: false

pip|-remnux-python3-packages-unfurl|-git+|-installed: id: remnux-python3-packages-unfurl __run_num: 383 sls__: remnux.python3-packages.unfurl changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.unfurl.remnux-python3-packages-unfurl-requirements' duration: 0.004 name: git+ result: false

  \         or: cmd --help\n      \n      error: invalid command 'egg_info'\n\
  \      [end of output]\n  \n  note: This error originates from a subprocess,\
  \ and is likely not a problem with pip.\nerror: metadata-generation-failed\n\
  \n× Encountered error while generating package metadata.\n╰─> See above for\
  \ output.\n\nnote: This is an issue with the package mentioned above, not pip.\n\
  hint: See above for details."
duration: 3436.878
name: git+
result: false

  \         or: cmd --help\n      \n      error: invalid command 'egg_info'\n\
  \      [end of output]\n  \n  note: This error originates from a subprocess,\
  \ and is likely not a problem with pip.\nerror: metadata-generation-failed\n\
  \n× Encountered error while generating package metadata.\n╰─> See above for\
  \ output.\n\nnote: This is an issue with the package mentioned above, not pip.\n\
  hint: See above for details."
duration: 2449.317
name: git+
result: false

pip|-remnux-tools-peepdf-3-source|-git+|-installed: id: remnux-tools-peepdf-3-source __run_num: 419 sls__: remnux.python3-packages.peepdf-3 changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.stpyv8.remnux-pip3-stpyv8' duration: 0.004 name: git+ result: false

__id__: remnux-config
__run_num__: 690
__sls__: remnux.config
changes: {}
comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.config.volatility3.remnux-config-volatility3-permissions,
  remnux.config.bash-completion.remnux-config-bash-completion-xxxswf, remnux.config.bash-completion.remnux-config-bash-completion-unfurl'
duration: 0.006
name: remnux-config
result: false

test|-remnux-dedicated|-remnux-dedicated_|-nop: id: remnux-dedicated __run_num: 843 sls__: remnux.dedicated changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.addon.remnux-addon-version-file' duration: 0.004 name: remnux-dedicated result: false

  remnux.python3-packages.ioc-parser.remnux-python3-packages-ioc-parser, remnux.python3-packages.speakeasy.remnux-python3-packages-speakeasy-emudll,
  remnux.python3-packages.xxxswf.remnux-python3-packages-xxxswf, remnux.python3-packages.speakeasy.remnux-python3-packages-speakeasy-requirements,
duration: 0.018
name: remnux-python3-packages
result: false
digitalsleuth commented 1 year ago

Hi @ShanHolo , to fix this, you can run the following then try the install again: sudo python3 -m pip install --force-reinstall --break-system-packages "setuptools==68.0.0"

The reason for the setuptools 68.0.0 is because that is the broken package on your system: Error parsing requirements for setuptools: [Errno 2] No such file or\ \ directory: '/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/setuptools-68.0.0.dist-info/METADATA'\n\ \ WARNING: No metadata found in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages

The command above will fix the actual broken Python package, allowing it to be replaced during the next run.

ShanHolo commented 12 months ago

Thanks a lot for you support!

However I still have errors.... I'm the only whit these errors trying to update?.

file|-remnux-addon-version-file|-/etc/remnux-version_|-managed: id: remnux-addon-version-file __run_num: 786 sls__: remnux.addon changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.remnux-python3-packages' duration: 0.004 name: /etc/remnux-version result: false

packages: pyelftools\n Attempting uninstall: pyelftools\n Found existing\ \ installation: pyelftools 0.29 WARNING: Error parsing requirements for pyelftools:\ \ [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pyelftools-0.29.dist-info/METADATA'\n\ \ WARNING: No metadata found in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages\n\ ERROR: Cannot uninstall pyelftools 0.29, RECORD file not found. You might be\ \ able to recover from this via: 'pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps pyelftools==0.29'." duration: 2348.943 name: pyelftools result: false

test|-remnux-dedicated|-remnux-dedicated_|-nop: id: remnux-dedicated __run_num: 843 sls__: remnux.dedicated changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.addon.remnux-addon-version-file' duration: 0.004 name: remnux-dedicated result: false

test|-remnux-python3-packages|-remnux-python3-packages_|-nop: id: remnux-python3-packages __run_num: 420 sls__: remnux.python3-packages changes: {} comment: 'One or more requisite failed: remnux.python3-packages.pyelftools.remnux-python3-packages-pyelftools' duration: 0.004 name: remnux-python3-packages result: false

geeksailor commented 12 months ago

HI @ShanHolo! It seems pyelftools left some fragments of 0.29.0 on it. Can you please do a sudo python3 -m pip list | grep pyelftool to see what version is installed? Thank you!

digitalsleuth commented 12 months ago

Hi @ShanHolo , to fix this issue, you can run the following:

sudo python3 -m pip install --force-reinstall --break-system-packages pyelftools==0.29

This will fix the missing METADATA file and allow the remnux install to complete properly. Let me know how it goes!


ShanHolo commented 12 months ago

Everything was solved!!!

I reinstalled pyelftools==0.29 and everything has been solved.

Thanks to @digitalsleuth and @geeksailor for your appreciated support. I learnt new things about the Remnux upgrade process.

geeksailor commented 12 months ago

@ShanHolo Always glad to lend a helping hand! Glad it got resolved for you!

digitalsleuth commented 12 months ago

Good to hear @ShanHolo ! Cheers!

digitalsleuth commented 3 months ago

@lennyzeltser I believe we can close this one out.