REMnux / remnux-cli

This repository contains the source code for the REMnux installer, which is the command-line tool for installing and upgrading the REMnux distro.
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REMnux boots into blackscreen on Proxmox VE 8.1 #174

Closed r3dpan closed 5 months ago

r3dpan commented 5 months ago


i'm currently trying to setup a remnux vm on proxmox ve 8.1. While trying this, i always seem to run into the issue that, after the successful setup, remnux always boots into a black screen from which i can't recover.

Methods i tried for setting up the vm:

  1. Using the virtual appliance -> Importing the vmdk (from inside ova) on the vm works successfully but booting from it (disk attached with scsi/sata/ide) always results in a black screen that doesn't resolve even after waiting for ~1h
  2. Installing ubuntu mini 20.04 ( and running the remnux-cli for setup -> I am able to boot into ubuntu after installation and the remnux-cli script runs trough without a single error. After rebooting i get a black screen displayed from which i can not recover. Even after applying the tweaks from the docs (display settings: spice) this does not resolve. When shutting down the vm i do however get the ubuntu 20.04 logo displayed.

So far i'm always following the recommended settings mentioned on the remnux docs but i'm still unable to successfully create a vm that doesn't boot me straight to a black screen. Is this a general problem with using proxmox ve 8.1 as a hypervisor for remnux or is there something i'm still missing to successfully set this up?

I would really appreciate any help.

digitalsleuth commented 5 months ago

Hi @r3dpan , this is an interesting issue you've encountered. I'm wondering if you might be able to answer a few questions for me to help resolve the problem:

By no means are you typically expected to do these things to make the OVA work, these are just things that might help narrow down the source of the issue. I will try to set up a proxmox installation in the next day or two and attempt to do the same thing you have to see if I get the same result.


r3dpan commented 5 months ago

@digitalsleuth I'm trying to answer your questions as good as i can:

When in the black screen, have you tried switching TTY's (selecting keys between F1-F7) to see if it's a GUI issue and if you can get a terminal?

When i try this nothing actually changes on the black screen so i guess this is not working.

Have you attempted to ping / ssh into the VM once it was booted up into the black screen to see if it is in fact fully booted with services enabled?

I do see the vm on my router with an ipadress assigned to it that i can ping.

Have you tried importing the same OVA as an independent VM in something other than proxmox?

I do currently have not the option to test this.

I also did a little bit more digging and found out that if i select 'vmware compatible' in the display settings (hardware) of the vm i'm able to successfully boot into the remnux desktop. After that i made sure those two packages were installed (missing when installing from scratch - ubuntu mini iso):

Sadly this still didn't resolve the issue as i still get booted to a black screen when switching display settings (default/spice) again.

Further research does however hint that this could probably be related to the auto-login (and automatically window/desktop resizing afterwards) that the remnux-cli script configures. It seems like many people online had a pretty similar issue when configuring auto-login on a ubuntu (18 - 22) vm on proxmox. I am however unable to fix the issue with the workarounds i found so far.

r3dpan commented 5 months ago

@digitalsleuth It seems like i have found the culprit. There is a known bug for ubuntu 19.x - 20.x (maybe even 22.x) where the splash screen breaks auto-login.

For future people finding this thread:

You can solve this issue by editing the file /etc/default/grub GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet **splash**"

Simply remove the 'splash'-keyword and save the file.

Afterwards regenerate grub and reboot the machine. update-grub

digitalsleuth commented 5 months ago

Hi @r3dpan , this is an interesting find. I had never come across this before, but thanks for keeping us posted and providing a resolution for this issue.
