The APSViz UI, version 3
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Observations tray #216

Open mbwatson opened 1 month ago

mbwatson commented 1 month ago

because observations, as a layer of dots on the map, a a part of every model run we are considering breaking the observation functionality into its own tray, separate from the raster layers.


consider a tray dedicated to observations. naturally a control to toggle rendering the dots on the map would be present. i also imagine being able to find and toggle station dialogs from this tray. if one knew the name of the station but not its exact location, this would be an improved experience to locate that observation data. perhaps hovering a station name could highlight a beacon on the map, highlighting its location for visual ease (instead of having to toggle its dialog).

layer a first draft of wireframing this observations tray is here:


a natural question is to wonder about the effect of this change--and the expectation from the user--on the charts that appear in the observation dialogs.

there's definitely lots to work out. this one will take a while.

PhillipsOwen commented 1 week ago

note: on average, there are ~225 observation points for any given model run.

i dont think there is a use case to toggle or find a specific observation point on the map.