The message handling software (from both normal and run.props messages needs to be refactored to handle interruptions in connections to the DB and the message queue.
For DB connections, the software could check the connection before writing. If no connection exists, then re-try a few times before quitting (and perhaps notify an admin somehow.
For Rabbit MQ connections. A timer could be set up to go off after a certain time setting (maybe 24hrs) and check the connection to make sure it is viable - if not retry connection. Either way and admin should be notified that no message have been received in 24hrs.
The message handling software (from both normal and run.props messages needs to be refactored to handle interruptions in connections to the DB and the message queue. For DB connections, the software could check the connection before writing. If no connection exists, then re-try a few times before quitting (and perhaps notify an admin somehow. For Rabbit MQ connections. A timer could be set up to go off after a certain time setting (maybe 24hrs) and check the connection to make sure it is viable - if not retry connection. Either way and admin should be notified that no message have been received in 24hrs.