when an invalid date is entered the user is allowed to search for results. I believe the expected behavior is that search button should be disabled until valid data is in the control.
steps to reproduce:
scenario 1:
open the filter dialog for a synoptic run
note that the date control has a red border indicating an error.
hit the search button
note results are returned
scenario 2:
open the filter dialog for a synoptic run
select a date
select or otherwise alter a portion of the date (month, day or year) and hit the delete key to remove it
note that the date control has a red border indicating an error.
hit the search button
note results are returned
note that hitting the search button again collapses the results area. if the search button is selected again previous results are shown.
it would seem that if a date is selected it remains on the form intact for another submission, although what is in the control has been rendered invalid.
when an invalid date is entered the user is allowed to search for results. I believe the expected behavior is that search button should be disabled until valid data is in the control.
steps to reproduce:
scenario 1:
scenario 2:
note that hitting the search button again collapses the results area. if the search button is selected again previous results are shown.
it would seem that if a date is selected it remains on the form intact for another submission, although what is in the control has been rendered invalid.