RENCI / fuse-immcellfie

Main API, tickets, and project board to be used by dashboards supporting ImmCellFIE project
MIT License
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design large dataset solution #12

Open krobasky opened 3 years ago

krobasky commented 3 years ago

Close this ticket when:

More detail

Maybe use DOS API from GA4GH over top of an iRODS instance. the use case might look like the following (rough first hack):

Use case I

  1. dashboard: requests a

  2. fuse-immcellfie-api: json <- fuse-server/Object/ --> fuse-server populates DOS_server with expression data, keyed off DOI

    json: exprs -- DOI OR [expression]

  3. dashboard has the json from fuse-immcellfie-api if user requests "input" -- DOS_server/GA4GH/getObj(json.exprs.DOI) <-- this might be iRODS? expression data -> render

Use case II:

  1. dashboard: requests a

  2. fuse-immcellfie-api: json <- fuse-server/Object/ --> fuse-server populates DOS_server with expression data, keyed off DOI

    json: exprs -- DOI OR [expression]

  3. dashboard has the json from fuse-immcellfie-api user requests "analysis" --

  4. fuse-immcellfie-api: a. calls fuse-mapper/json b. fuse-mapper gets expression data: DOS_server/GA4GH/getObj(json.exprs.DOI) c. fuse-mapper does the mapping & returns json' (with DOI') d. fuse-immcellfie-api calls fuse-analysis-cellfie(json') e. fuse-analysis-cellfie gets the expressiondata: DOS_server/GA4GH/getObj(json'.exprs.DOI')

xu-hao commented 2 years ago

Update: I create a API spec and discussed with Kimberly and David: