Generic CAN Bridge emulating FRC netcomm CAN driver for connecting a PC to the CAN Bus with WPILib 2020+ and SPARK MAX (FW 1.5.0 or higher) or other drivers, currently only supported in Windows.
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Allow multiple messages to be scheduled with the same ID if the interval is set to 0 #30
Our current contract for the interval is as follows:
-1 -> Stop a repeated frame. Do not send the last data frame
0 -> Send this data once. Cancel any repeating frames with the same ID.
> 0 -> Send data on repeat with a period in milliseconds. If called again with period > 0 and new data, update the data in the periodic message
A caller that provides 0 multiple times can reasonably assume that every message is sent, but this was not the case previously. Only one message could be scheduled at a time with a given ID.
Our current contract for the interval is as follows:
A caller that provides 0 multiple times can reasonably assume that every message is sent, but this was not the case previously. Only one message could be scheduled at a time with a given ID.