REditorSupport / atom-language-r

R syntax for Atom
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Request: NON base-R function syntax highlighting #18

Open sdrakulich opened 6 years ago

sdrakulich commented 6 years ago

The request is in the title. I have custom packages loaded, which use their own functions. Without fail, every syntax theme will highlight base R functions one way, and completely ignore non-base R functions.

Meanwhile, autocompletion (from autocomplete or IDE components of atom, I'm not sure) is able to keep track of which custom functions are loaded. atom-language-r should, in theory, be able to pull from those and treat them as functions, correct?

Seeing as R's beauty arises in part from the package support it has, this seems like a baseline functionality to implement.

Thank you!

alecmolloy commented 4 years ago

Bump. Would really like to see this feature—kinda makes using R in atom a no-go for me.