REditorSupport / languageserver

An implementation of the Language Server Protocol for R
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Langaugeserver only works in the terminal but not in the script #620

Open alejandrohagan opened 1 year ago

alejandrohagan commented 1 year ago


I've tried both langtuage server and languageserverset up and it works in the R terminal but not in the script itself.

Is there a setting that I need to enable to get it to work?

r$> sessionInfo() R version 4.3.0 (2023-04-21) Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) Running under: Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS

Updated with screen shots of error, my session info and my .Rprofile Screenshot from 2023-05-25 17-51-43 Screenshot from 2023-05-25 17-52-04 Screenshot from 2023-05-25 17-52-39

milanglacier commented 1 year ago

the terminal is radian which is another app and has nothing to do with the language server.

And RStudio is compeletely irrelevant with language server too.

I suppose it might be possible that you have installed other R extensions in vscode which causes the conflicts. I remember many R extensions in vscode will put files under .vscode-R folders and they may overwrite.

alejandrohagan commented 11 months ago

hi reconnecting on this -- I have validated that I'm using the vs code R extension --

When I check the output pane I see the below message:

R Language Server (-1) started

When I try to use languageserversetup::languageserver_install() I get the below error:

The service is deprecated, please stop using it.
Using github PAT from envvar GITHUB_PAT
Error: Failed to install 'languageserver' from GitHub:
  cannot open URL ''

Any advise on what else I can do?