REditorSupport / languageserver

An implementation of the Language Server Protocol for R
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Hover and Outline do not appear to function #646

Open PD-LUHC opened 7 months ago

PD-LUHC commented 7 months ago

I'm having trouble getting hover documentation to work as expected and for outlines to appear. I suspect that these are linked to the same issue flagged by my R Language Server output:

The language client requires VS Code version ^1.82.0 but received version 1.71.2.

What I'd like to know is how can I resolve this without updating VS Code (not my machine, have no rights). Is this a meaningful error and does the current language server really not work on a version of VS Code that is only a year or so old (or is it an overly cautious flag)?

Win 10 VS Code 1.71.2 R 4.1.2 Language Server 3.1.15

Any tips for getting around this would be welcome.