REditorSupport / languageserver

An implementation of the Language Server Protocol for R
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languageserver and help page viewer not working in windows10 and miniforge environment #648

Open f-jx opened 6 months ago

f-jx commented 6 months ago

languageserver and help page viewer not working:

the OUTPUT panel message when I open vscode workspace: R Language Server (21456) started R Language Server (21456) exited with exit code 3221225781

I clicked "HELP PAGES>>Home" button: Couldn't show help for path: doc/html/index.html I clicked "Clear Cache & Restart Help Server", it still didn't work.

R:Run Selection/Line in R Interactive Terminal is OK, but when I run "?read.table", the message: Couldn't show help for path: /library/utils/html/read.table.html

the message when I moved the mouse cursor over an R function: Failed to get list of R functions. Make sure that jsonlite is installed and points to a valid R executable. I've set the correct and jsonlite, languageserver is installed, but the R package jsonlite wasn't auto loaded when I started the R Interactive Terminal.

Some information: Vscode Version: 1.85.1 OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19045 R Extension version: v2.8.2 conda 23.3.1 mamba 1.4.2 conda path: D:\miniforge3\condabin\conda.bat R path: D:\miniforge3\envs\r\lib\R\bin\x64\R.exe, D:\miniforge3\envs\r\Scripts\R.exe

workspace setting: "settings": { "Command Prompt": { "path": [ "${env:windir}\Sysnative\cmd.exe", "${env:windir}\System32\cmd.exe" ], "args": ["/K", "D:\miniforge3\Scripts\activate.bat","r"], "icon": "terminal-cmd" }, }, "": "Command Prompt", "": { "PATH":"D:\miniforge3\envs\r;D:\miniforge3\envs\r\Scripts;D:\miniforge3\envs\r\Library\bin;D:\miniforge3\envs\r\Library\mingw-w64\bin;D:\miniforge3\envs\r\lib\R\bin\x64" }, "python.defaultInterpreterPath": "D:\miniforge3\envs\py\python.exe", "": "D:\miniforge3\envs\r\lib\R\bin\R.exe", "": "D:\miniforge3\envs\r\lib\R\bin\R.exe", "r.lsp.diagnostics": false, "r.lsp.promptToInstall": false, "r.plot.useHttpgd": true, "r.libPaths": [ "D:\miniforge3\envs\r\lib\R\library", ], "r.rterm.option": [ "--no-save", "--no-restore", "--r-binary=D:\miniforge3\envs\r\lib\R\bin\R.exe" ], }

Can someone help? Thank you very much~