REditorSupport / vscode-R

R Extension for Visual Studio Code
MIT License
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Feature Request: Implement Output Insertion as Comments for Evaluated R Code #1457

Open ipstone opened 1 year ago

ipstone commented 1 year ago

Title: Feature Request: Implement Output Insertion as Comments for Evaluated R Code


I propose adding a feature to vscode-R that allows users to evaluate selected R code and automatically insert the output as comments in the editor. This feature, inspired by a similar functionality in Nvim-R, would enhance the data analysis workflow by allowing immediate inspection and documentation of code outputs within the editor.


Key Points:

Implementation Suggestion:

Impact: This feature would streamline the R coding process in VS Code, making it more efficient for data analysis and similar tasks.

benz0li commented 1 year ago

IMHO That is what R Notebooks were (are?) meant for.
ℹ️ Unfortunately, VSCode Notebook API support was never implemented because the R kernel depends on zmq.

benz0li commented 1 year ago

There is the Jupyter extension. Jupyter Notebooks paste output below the R code cells.

The Quarto extensions shows output side by side in a Jupyter interactive console.

eitsupi commented 1 year ago

ℹ️ Unfortunately, VSCode Notebook API support was never implemented because the R kernel depends on zmq.

This is off-topic, but there are other kernels for R besides IRkernel.

ipstone commented 1 year ago

thanks @benz0li @eitsupi

The point of running the code and getting output into the Rscript, is really Rscript/text based/focused data analysis cycle, it's a lot of faster than jupyter, and oftenly are done in an terminal environment. I have been using juyter and Rmarkdown, but it's more for situations where we need to present the data; for explorative data analysis, a plain Rscript is usually leaner and getting the job done faster.

ideas/suggestions on sending codes to R and wrap the output back into the editor (or even getting the output to the clipboard is helpful)