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New Game Mode: Escort mission (attack/defend the convoy) #137

Open BramKaandorp opened 6 years ago

BramKaandorp commented 6 years ago


The enemy starts at a spawn point a distance far enough ahead of the convoy to be able to set an ambush or otherwise attack it (as the convoy moves ahead, the enemy spawns at a point further along).

The game stops if one of two conditions is met:

Defenders win: The convoy exits the map with more than half (or whatever amount seems acceptable) of the vehicles intact.

Attackers win: A certain amount of the trucks is destroyed.

Anti vehicle weapons would be an easy choice for the attackers, so I'm not sure how the defenders would counter that.

The trucks wouldn't have to be driven by bots. If they drive convincingly, it doesn't matter how.

modelmat commented 6 years ago

I would think that to win you have to destroy all the trucks. Similar to how helicopter flares might work? Or maybe the trucks need to be taken down with a cruise missile available after damaging enough parts of the trucks - this cruise missile could be shot down via AA guns.

BramKaandorp commented 6 years ago

I've thought about this for a while now, and I don't think that adding a cruise missile is necessary.

The objective, simply put, is to destroy whatever the trucks/train is carrying, so that the enemy can't get it to their destination (thus crippling the base they wanted to resupply).

So either you destroy the trailers, or you destroy the cab (so that the truck can't move anymore). Alternatively, you can buy time for an anti tank weapon to get in position by killing a driver, so they have to stop and get a replacement.

A cruise missile would be great for a bunker attack game mode though, combined with a missile defence system that can be destroyed and needs to be defended by ground troops.

I do agree that winning should require destruction of all vehicles. I had this idea of getting a minimum amount of cargo transported to the end of the map as a win condition, but I suppose getting just one truck to the end is sufficient.

I didn't mention this, but I think the defending team in an escort mission shouldn't get any respawns.

So there would be three win conditions for the attacking team:

  1. Destroy the cabs, so the trucks can't move
  2. Destroy the trailers, so there isn't anything to transport
  3. Kill all defending troops, including drivers

Win conditions for defenders:

  1. Drive at least one truck to the end of the map (possibly with bonus points for each extra truck)
  2. ???
Artecus commented 6 years ago

Vehicles of attackers should have a limited number of respawns. Attackers stop spawning once there are no more vehicles left, and Defenders have a new win condition; no more attackers left.

BramKaandorp commented 6 years ago

Completely agree. I think having a squad's worth of respawns per spawn point should be enough. And if the spawn points are connected by a road, the attacker can save up respawns by not having to respawn when the trucks haven't been stopped yet.