RF-Stuff / Bugs-Suggestions

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[Suggestion] RF Tools - Integrate Map Elements into Vehicle Prefabs #188

Open Sofa499 opened 5 years ago

Sofa499 commented 5 years ago

(It may already be possible to do some or all of the things described below using RF tools, and I'm just a dunce and haven't figured out how. If so, please leave a comment telling me how. Thanks in advance!)

The ability to integrate map elements such as capture points, spawnpoints, and vehicle spawners into a vehicle prefab, or other destructible object, could allow for a lot of different gameplay options. The following examples come to mind:

For vehicle spawners carried by other vehicles, a useful feature might be a "vehicle clamp", which keeps said vehicle attached to its parent until movement input is given. This may be similar to landing craft on ships seen in Battlefield 1942.

On a final note, since walking on vehicles and generating bot pathfinding on a moving object is not possible, maybe bots/player automatically enter an empty seat when spawning on a mobile point? Maybe spawning there is disabled if all seats are occupied? For those mobile capture points with vehicle spawners attached as well, maybe an option to automatically spawn in one of said vehicles would be possible.