RF-Stuff / Bugs-Suggestions

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Fatal box in map editor #200

Open JeffityBob opened 3 years ago

JeffityBob commented 3 years ago

Hey, me again with another map editor suggestion!

This time, I propose that there should be a 'fatal box' in the editor. What do I mean by this? In maps such as Mountain Range, when the player - or indeed, an ai - reaches a certain point on the map, they die. This applies to destroying vehicles too. This is easily applicable in Unity, however, why not have it in the map editor? Imagine all the stuff we could do with it! And, I think that it should be exactly the same as the collision box, or the pathfinding box, or the avoidance box with its placing, and, in it's menu, there should be a Boolean which is 'applies to all types', and a drop-down that dictates what to apply to, if the Boolean is false. This could allow us to specify between Infantry, Car, Boat, and Planes.

Why is this necessary? On lots of maps, for example, even in the base Dustbowl map, ai can get stuck underneath the map, and then, in games like skirmish or in the conquest, this renders it impossible to win. This is incredibly frustrating, but it's only the start! If an enemy flying vehicle is shot down outside of the pathfinding mesh, they parachute down, and get stuck wherever they are, on the ground, or in water. This, again, is incredibly annoying. We need a fatal box!

Cheers for reading, don't forget to give it a thumbs up if you agree!
